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We pulled into the hospital and they loaded Mike out and into the Emergency Room. They told me to stay in the waiting room which was empty like the last time I was there. My phone vibrated and it was Mark:

MARK: hey, I saw you leave with Mike and Matt and Ryan are taking him to the local police station... I'm sorry for you having a crappy first Easter :(

MADDIE: it's fine.. It's all Ian's fault... I wish I could have killed him when I had the chance

MARK:don't bother, me and your good old uncle jack beat him up and I called Mikes mom but she is in Ohio and left Mike home so it looks like we will bee keeping mike for a while

MADDIE: what if mike doesn't survive?

MARK: Maddie, I don't want you to say that

MADDIE: I want him to survive

MARK: I know he will Maddie

MADDIE: the gun wound looked pretty deep

MARK: I know Annalee is still in shock about what happened and I'm on thw way with Jack and Wade and I have decided to not alarm anyone

MADDIE: okay good I will see you when you get here bye

MARK: Buh Bye

I put my phone away and then a doctor walked in. She was a tall lady with blonde hair rolled into a bun and wore a doctors coat. Here expression seemed to be serious and when she saw me she sat down next to me.

"I'm Doctor Shepard ,are you Mikes friend?", The doctor said.

"Yes... Is he okay?", I asked.

Dr. Shepard looked at her clip board and then back at me. She let out a sigh and I could just see the bad news about to come. My tears swelled with eyes.

"Oh come here", Doctor Shepard said as I have her a hug. "You poor poor thing having to go through this on Easter",.

"Mike right now is in a really extreme coma and we don't know if he will come out of it or not", Dr. Shepard explained. "His heart is nearly beating out of his chest and really fast too",.

"So what is the percentage of his survival?", I asked.

"To be honest... About 10%", Dr. shepherd said. "But before we even started to operate to get the bullet out he kept saying your name over and over again",.

I let go of the Doctor and say back down next to her.

"I'm about to go get a soda, do you want anything?", Dr.Shepard asked.

"Sure, If you can a Dr. Pepper", I said.

"Sure thing, now you just hand here until I come back", The Doctor said as she walked out passing Mark, Jack and Wade. I got out of my seat and ran into Jacks arms.

"I'm so so sorry little dude I really am", Jack muttered holding onto me. He was wearing his grey hat and a black hoodie with sneakers the LED ones. He took off his hat and put it into me and handed me over to Mark who still had his bunny ears on. I took jacks hat and covered my face as I just started balling my eyes out. Mike was my best friend in the whole wide world and with out him I would go back to being lonely and he meant to world to me.


"I'm sorry", Mark said hugging me tight. I was practically soaking Jacks hat in tears.

"Mark...", I said.

"What honey?", Mark said in a whisper.

"I love Mike", I said.

"I know you do, tiger, I know you do", Mark said. He was starting to cry himself and we all sat down. Dr. Shepard came back in and handed me the Dr. Pepper.
I got off of Mark and just sat on the other side of the waiting room in a corner and slowly drank my Dr. Pepper.

Mark was talking to Dr. Shepard and i just sat there drinking my soda. Mark looked at me and then told me to come back over.

"Would you like to go see him?", Dr. Shepard asked.

I looked at her and back at Mark.

"Yes please", I said shaking with the Dr. Pepper in my hands. I followed Dr. Shepard out of the waiting room and down the hall and to a wooden door.

"Go on in he is in there", Dr. Shepard said. I took a deep breath in and prepared my self for blood and gore everywhere. I walked in and saw Mike just laying there. His black-night hair looked messy but I didn't care because he was here. I made his hair stick up and I fixed Jacks hat on my head. I pulled up a chair close to Mikes bed. To be honest I was really angry at Ian more than sad. Ian was a psycho and a killer rolled into one. He was crazy. I tried to put that aside and just hope and pry that Mike was gonna be okay.

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