chapter 4- the misplacement

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*alphys POV*

When I got home from undyne's house I started to change my mind. I won't release the question on live T.V. it will just make Mettaton more humiliated than he needs to be. But when I got home, Mettaton was out....again. So I took this opportunity to write the question down so I won't forget about it,and so I could copy it down and post it to the under net instead. I couldn't find a regular envelope so I just had to use one of Mettaton's envelopes he used for his questions, I slipped the question in so I could hide it, because I don't want Mettaton to read it. I put the question on my desk and checked the clock. It was night time, so I had to go to bed. (A/N, in this fic Mettaton's quiz show takes place at night time. Cooking in the morning, and his stand-up commentaries in the afternoon.) I went upstairs to my room and quickly fell asleep.

*Mettaton's POV*

It was quite dark out, so I had to go back to he lab, well known as, my home. So I had to go wheel on back to Alphys' lab so I can charge my battery real quick and get ready for my quiz show. I said my goodbyes to my..uh...friend and trekked off.


When I got back to the lab, Alphys was asleep, so I had to be extremely quiet when I'm plugging myself in.(when I plug myself in, I'm extremely noisy)

When I finished charging half of my battery I had to collect my questions and leave for my quiz show. So I went where I usually put my question envelopes and gathered them in a nice, and neat pile and I noticed another envelope on Alphys' work desk. I grabbed it, thinking it was one of my questions I needed for my show and darted off so I couldn't be late.( I'm never late to my shows, like always ;) ) when I got to my resort I was welcomed with many fans lined up outside the restaurant where I performed my stand-up commentaries and comedies. I usually perform those in my EX form, but for my quiz shows I like to keep it classic, so I just stay in my regular form. I waved at my beloved fans and wheeled off to my main performance area. And when I went inside it was PACKED of monsters, more fans I had since that fight I had with Frisk! Speaking of Frisk, tonight he is going to be on my quiz show tonight! Which makes me extremely excited for this episode! I turned around and looked at the time, 5 minutes till the show starts!

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