Chapter 1

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The sound of excited chatter filled your surroundings as the harsh ringing of the school bell signaled the end of another long day in school. For most students this was a long awaited sound and many filled with relief as the shrill ring broke the seemingly endless silence. Standing and packing up your things you sighed to yourself wishing you could look forward to going home. But you never did.
You took your time packing away the last book and slowly made your way towards the door turning to check you'd got everything. Looking for any excuse to stay a little longer, you walked towards the door willing an excuse to come your way. You passed the frame of the door and entered the corridor where you recognized the orange mop of hair you knew as your best friend Park Jimin standing not too far away waiting for you. You caught up with him replacing your anxious look with a smile when he turned to see you.
"Hey y/n." He greeted you. "Good day?"
"Yeah it was okay I guess. Another English essay to complete but nothing too bad."
The two of you made your way out of the school building where there was now considerably less people. It was a Friday so naturally everyone was in a eager rush to get home. You ambled out of the gates and up the street talking mindlessly about school and plans for this weekend. Not that you'd be able to go anywhere. Before you knew it, you'd reached the crossing where you and Jimin parted ways and you were left to embark on the grueling journey back to your house.
Closing the door behind you as softly as you could, you placed your school bag down on the floor. The house was quiet but not in a eerie way. With any luck, your step dad was still in work and the rest of the family were in good moods. Family life wasn't exactly easy for you. Your parents had divorced and, being the only child, neither parent particularly wanted you after finding new partners with kids of their own. Your real dad had moved away the first chance he got. You didn't know where he was but you didn't particularly care. Him and his new, younger girlfriend could piss off and have their happily ever after for all you cared. Not long after he left, your mum met her new boyfriend and a couple of years and a makeshift wedding later, you had acquired a new step dad and two ungrateful step siblings to go with it.
Your mum, being hopelessly in love with her new man, soon began to care less and less towards you. Maybe you reminded her of her last disaster of a relationship. Maybe she wanted to focus more on her new step children. Or maybe she just straight up didn't care.
You knew your stepdad had strong feelings towards you from the start. He'd never really welcomed you into his home and your step brother and sister just ignored you entirely. Nonetheless, it was better than living on the streets. For a while anyway.
Jimin knew you had a somewhat 'awkward' relationship with the rest of the family but there was so much more he didn't know about. He saw the arguments you had and the snide comments that sometimes were mumbled a little too loudly by your step siblings but there was so much he didn't see. Under your clothes, hidden from the view of anyone else, lived the dark bluey purple reminders of just how little they cared for you.


I appreciate this was more focused on the readers than the members of BTS but they'll make an appearance I promise just bare with me guys! :) thanks for reading! ^.^ I'm also aware this is quite short sorry!

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