Chapter 7

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You gulped audibly as he approached you the smell of whisky penetrating your nostrils.
"How kind of you to finally grace us with your presence." he slurred. "Where the fuck have you been!" he yelled taking you by surprise. You took a sharp intake of breath bracing yourself, waiting for his fist to come into contact with some part of your body. But it never did. You looked at him, red in the face and wobbling slightly from the evident over consumption of alcohol.
Surely his yell must have woken up the rest of the family. Surely your mother had woken up after hearing his angry cry towards you. Where was she? Why wasn't she coming to help you? She must have known he was drunk when she went up to bed. I mean of course she never once helped defend you all the other times you were being beaten but this time he was evidently flat out drunk. He could have done anything to you...
Your train of thought was broken by a sharp pain in your stomach as his fist made contact with your soft flesh. Doubled over in pain, you fell to the ground as he struck another blow to your head. He kicked your body several times causing the pain to grow and spread throughout your body.
"You're a complete piece of shit y/n. You know that?" He spat. You tried to hold back the tears not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry once more. But he was drunk so what would he remember? The tears began to spill as he kicked you over and over again.
"No one in this family even wants you. I put up with you being here day after fucking day. I don't ask for anything in return but you go and disrespect me this way? Well you'll fucking regret it I can assure you."
He aimed one more hard kick at you this time, hitting your face. You felt the sweet metallic taste of blood in your mouth and put your hand up to your face to pinpoint the source of the bleeding. Your entire face was numb with pain so you couldn't locate it on feeling alone. You pulled your hand away from your face and came to the conclusion that it was your lip bleeding. One well aimed kick to the face had split your lip open and it was bleeding somewhat furiously. In a futile attempt to scare you further, your stepdad threw what remained from his bottle of whiskey to the ground next to you and it shattered loudly into different sized pieces. He picked up one particularly big piece and held it in his hand examining it.
"Don't ever come home this late ever again. You hear me?" he threatened holding the piece of glass worryingly close to your face. He slowly put the shard onto your trembling face and dragged it slowly down your cheek in a short movement. You could feel a small amount of warm blood roll down your cheek and mix with the tears already staining your pretty face. Or at least what used to be. You were almost sure that if you looked in any mirror right now you'd be almost unrecognizable.
Closing your eyes as best you could, ignoring the pain, you curled up into a fetal position and released what was left of the tears you had. You heard your step dad mutter something about cleaning up the mess and walk up stairs to bed. You lay there for the next few minutes trying to compose yourself and stop the crying. This was by far the worst he'd ever beaten you and you knew it could only get worse.
After cleaning the bottle and whiskey up from the hallway you made you way upstairs completely ignoring you phone that was lying on the side. You didn't notice the miss texts and calls from Jimin. You hurried up to your room and grabbed a biggish bag from the corner of the room. You threw in the small amount of clothes you owned and essential wash items. Looking around, there wasn't much else for you to take. You broke open your piggy bank which held all the savings you owned and threw that on top of your items. Picking up your phone charger and your school bag as well you made your way back downstairs picking up your phone, jacket and keys. You couldn't stay here any longer. It wasn't safe for you anymore.
You didn't know where you'd be able to stay permanently but knew Jimin had offered you a bed for the night. Hoping the offer still stood you looked at the clock in the hallway. It was 12:48. The middle of the night. Would he even be awake now? Still, he was the only hope you had so you opened the front door holding you bags and left.
Stepping out into the cold night, you walked past streets and streets taking a short cut off the roads until you came to the familiar turning where you and Jimin left each other each day after school. You knew the route to his house easily even in the dark and it wasn't too long until you were stood outside his house. You wanted to knock but you hesitated. You hadn't even cleaned the blood from your face and you had no idea how bad you looked. He probably wouldn't even recognize you when he opened the door. If he opened the door.
After a few seconds of contemplating, you mustered up the courage to knock on the door. The noise woke you up slightly as you realized just how quiet it had been around you. You waited a few seconds before seeing the hallway light switch on and the door open in front of you.
"Y/n?" you looked up surprised when you saw it wasn't Jimin at the door, but Yoongi. He looked worried instantly when he saw your blood covered face on the other side of the door.
"Where's Jimin?" You asked before everything went black.

So this is slightly longer than my other chapters but ah well. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy :)

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