Chapter 5

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"What do you mean he did?" Jimin asked raising his voice slightly. You could see the worried look on his face. "Who did?"
"My step dad did." You cried ashamed that you'd let your guard down and Jimin had found out. The admittance only made you cry harder and you saw, through blurred eyes, as Jimin's face changed from anger to a soft worried look. You could see in his eyes that he felt your pain and wished for nothing more but to be able to take it away from you.
"He hit me." You whispered. You felt a sense of shame wash over you and almost regretted telling him. Now he was sure to worry.
"He hasn't done this before has he?" He asked looking at your swollen eye.
Yes, so often. I'm almost used to it, you thought. Some days were worse than others. If you were lucky you'd escape with just a couple of bruises and maybe a red mark on your face. There were days, however, where you'd be left to clean up the blood he spilt over the kitchen tiles or pick up the pieces of the stuff he threw at you in a blind rage.
"No..." You shook your head holding back more tears.
"Okay." He nodded understandingly. He pulled you back into his chest once more hushing you as you sobbed harder. You could tell, from the way he sounded, he didn't believe you but you were thankful he didn't question you further.
He dried your eyes with his sleeves and the two of you walked back into the living room where the boys sat silently. You assumed they'd heard your brief conversation with Jimin and now knew what your step dad had done. You looked up and were greeted by 6 pairs of sympathetic eyes and Jimin guided you to the nearest chair next to Yoongi and he looked up smiling at you reassuringly.
"I'm sorry everyone." You sighed trying not to cry again. The swelling in your eye had only been worsened by the tears and you were sure you looked completely horrendous. If you did look awful they didn't show it with the way they looked at you. "So much for first impressions." You mumbled.
"Ah don't worry too much y/n." Jungkook smiled. "The first time I met Yoongi here, he was in his underwear."
"Dude I'd just got out of the school showers!" Yoongi interjected. He laughed but you couldn't help but notice the faint pink blush creep up his neck as he looked at you. You sniffed slightly and giggled quietly. You were glad you had the comfort of the boys even if you had just met them.
"But in all seriousness y/n, it's okay we don't mind." Jin said reassuringly. The other boys nodded in agreement.
"Thank you." You said quietly. You looked down and checked the time on your phone. It was 11:03 you were already late home and knew it would be even harder to get in the house now everyone was asleep. You felt the familiar sting of tears threaten you again and you looked up at Jimin.
"I need to go home Jimin." You said in a more panicked voice than you intended.
"No y/n, please stay here tonight. I don't want you to go home."
"Jimin I have to, if I'm not there when they wake up and if I haven't done all the chores and made breakfast he'll-" you stopped. Your chest began to feel tight and you gasped for breath.


Ooh dramatic. See I told you all Bts would actually be in this and here they are XD

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