Chapter 4

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That evening dinner was prepared and placed on the table for the rest of the family. After finishing your meal and cleaning up, you went to your room to double check your appearance. You noticed the bruise had become significantly darker and the swelling had increased. You brushed over the concealer once more and put on some slightly more heavy eye makeup in the hope that it would distract them from your eye. You took one last look in the mirror praying it was only as obvious because you knew it was there and hoped it could go unnoticed for the remainder of the night.
You knocked on the familiar blue front door of Jimin's house feeling a new sense of anxiety overcome you. You realised you'd never met the other six boys before and all manner of thoughts over came you. What if you embarrassed yourself? What if they didn't like you? You threw these thoughts to the back of your mind as Jimin opened the door greeting you with a wide smile.
"Hey y/n!" Your best friend chimed. "Come in everyone's already here." He guided you through the the living room with his hand on the small of your back. You walked into the room and saw six other boys sat around the room in the middle of a conversation.
"Guys," Jimin interrupted. "This is y/n, my best friend." A small chorus of hellos erupted from the boys and most smiled up at you except for one.
"Y/n, this is Jin, Jungkook, Tae, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi." He said gesturing them each in turn. The blonde one Yoongi, he was the one who didn't smile when you walked in. You wondered why but swiftly brushed it off sitting down next to the boy with the boxy grin who Jimin introduced as Tae.
"Hello." You said shyly as you sat down. The boys were all incredibly friendly except for Yoongi who didn't speak. You ignored him however and it didn't take long for you to get caught up in there conversation as they laughed and joked.
The hours passed and you'd had such a brilliant time with all the boys. You excused yourself briefly to use the rest room and briefly checked your phone to check the time. It was 10:30. You knew you had to get home soon so you didn't wake any up by coming home too late. Thinking about how nice a time you'd had and the place you had to go back to, you felt tears begin to prick your eyes and before you knew it you were crying. You tried to stop the tears noticing your mascara begin to smudge under your eyes. Stopping the tears, you wiped away the smudged mascara a long with the concealer you'd placed over your sore black eye.
"Shit." You muttered as it became horribly obvious. You checked your pockets for your concealer. Realising you'd left it at home you cleaned yourself up quickly and left the bathroom planning on making a quick escape before Jimin could get a good look at you.
You opened the bathroom door and quickly walked out looking at the floor so no one could see your face. You weren't looking where you were going properly and stopped abruptly as your body hit something solid. You felt two hands either side of your body and glanced up to see Yoongi steadying you.
"S-sorry." You stuttered looking back at the floor.
"It's no problem." He smiled slightly. "I'm Yoongi. I'm sorry I came across as a bit moody earlier. I didn't mean to. I'm just weird meeting new people." He said shyly. You couldn't help but notice how lovely his face was when he smiled. How his blond hair flicked to the side slightly and his soft his lips were. Snapping out of this thought quickly to turned to him.
"It's okay." You looked up at his face.
"Hey," he said "did you hit your eye on something? It's looking quite swollen."
"Oh is it? Clumsy me." You laughed. You walked back downstairs even more determined to leave before anyone else noticed. You grabbed your jacket from the peg and called out to Jimin.
"I have to go now Jimin, thanks for a nice evening I'll see you all round." Jimin came out of the room to see you before you left. You turned to face away from him.
"Are you sure? All the others are leaving now anyway so a couple of us could walk you home?"
"No it's fine." You said moving towards the door.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Jimin asked as Tae and Jungkook came out into the hall to grab their shoes.
"Yeah just peachy, I'll just be off now okay?"
"Don't be daft we'll walk you home." Jungkook added.
"No honestly-" you butted in.
"Yeah, how are you gonna see anything with that eye and in the dark as well." Yoongi interrupted you coming down the stairs.
"What eye?" Jimin asked as you looked to the floor avoiding all eye contact with anyone. "What's he on about y/n?"
"I can't tell you." You whispered feeling the tears prick your eyes.
"Yes you can y/n. You can tell me anything I'm your best friend." He shooed the other boys away into the living room and turned you to face him as he pulled you flush against his chest. You let out small sobs into his t-shirt.
"Now what did Yoongi mean about your eye, what happened?" You looked up to face him tears rolling down your cheek.
"He did." You sobbed.

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