Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV
He watched as you walked inside your house giving a small wave in his direction and sat silently as Jin drove the three boys back to his house. He didn't want to leave you back at your house. Call it gut instinct. He knew you wouldn't be okay yet he went back to his house without protest. He was grateful to see the other four boys had waited up at his house and not left it unattended during his absence.
The boys decided to stay for the night seeing as it was already too late for some of them to return home and Jimin had an empty house anyway. Besides, they could try to stop Jimin getting too worried about you. As he sat down on the sofa next to Jungkook he texted you to check everything had been okay when you got into the house.
From Jimin: Hey, just checking everything was okay when you got in. Please reply to let me know you're okay.
Several minutes later, he still hadn't had a reply from you and he began to grow worried. It was 12:51. You'd been home for over and hour now so even if your phone had died, it would surely be on charge by now.
From Jimin: Hey y/n? Are you okay?
From Jimin: Y/n? You're worrying me. Please reply.
"Everything okay Jimin?" Jin asked noticing his worried appearance.
"Y/n hasn't replied to single one of my texts. Something's happened." he replied.
"Try calling her." Hoseok suggested.
Jimin nodded before picking up his phone again and calling you. Again, there was no answer. He called and called again and again growing frustrated at your lack of response.
"She won't pick up." he growled. He stood up and grabbed his jacket. "Jin, something's wrong. We need to go to her house now."
The two boys proceeded to get into the car and speed away to your house. Pulling up outside your house, Jimin knew better than to knock on the door. He'd met your step dad once before and, like with every aspect of your life, your step dad immediately took a dislike to him. He knew that waking him up at one in the morning was definitely not the way to go about redeeming himself. He used the same method he always used when he needed to get your attention from outside. Picking up the nearest pebble, he threw it gently up at your bedroom window where it made a faint tap that only you would be able to hear from inside the house.
Several pebbles and a bucket load of worry later, he felt a buzz in his pocket and took out his phone praying it was from you.
From Taehyung: Come home now, y/n just collapsed at the front door.
Without even questioning it, he jumped back into the car barking at Jin to go back to his.
Y/n's POV
You woke up lying on the sofa with five of the boys you'd met that evening crowded round you looking concerned.
"Wha- what happened?" you asked trying to lift your head to sit up but wincing in pain and giving up.
"You collapsed at the front door." Yoongi explained. "Do you remember what happened before then?" he asked.
"My st- step dad... He..." you began to cry once more reliving the torturous hour or so you'd spent at 'home'.
"Shhh shh. It's okay now." Yoongi whispered softly drying your tears with his sleeve and taking both your small hands in his. "You're safe now okay?" You nodded trying to stop the tears as the other four boys sat there taking in your appearance. None of them had ever imagined that, when they found out your step dad hit you, it would ever be this bad. They looked at you with softened expressions and worried eyes as you lay on the sofa broken and fragile.
You heard the front door slam shut as Jimin and Jin ran into the living room. Both boys gasped when they eyes on your beaten and bloody face and Jimin knelt down beside you. You could see the tears threatening to roll down his pale face as he looked at you.
"Y/n..." he whispered,
"Jimin." you coughed looking him in the eyes as a tear rolled down your cheek. "I'm so sorry."


Oops this is quite short, anyway enjoy! Also any votes or comments are really appreciated some of you are so nice!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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