Dance in the Rain - Thomas imagine

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Summary: "Will you go dance with me in the rain?" It's raining outside and you were inside with your best friend Thomas.

It was raining outside. It wasn't the kind of rain that pounded against everything in it's way with anger, but it also wasn't the kind of rain to sprinkle lightly on top of everybody. It was just the kind of rain that was there, the kind of rain that was nice to take a walk in.

Y/n was inside with Thomas when it was raining. They were on the couch sharing a blanket and watching movies together.

Y/n and Thomas were best friends. They had just met that year, but they grew close very fast and soon became best friends. Y/n had a crush on Thomas, but she didn't know how he felt. She always questioned his intentions with her; if he wanted to just be friends, or if he wanted to be more. She never knew.

Thomas on the other hand actually did have a crush on Y/n. But he didn't know if she liked him back.

They both didn't know their true feelings for each other. They both didn't know how to reveal their true emotions to each other.

"It's raining outside," she mumbled as she gazed out the window. "Yeah," Thomas said. "As a kid I would go out into the rain and dance. But then I would always get sick afterwards."
She smiled at the thought of a little Thomas going out and dancing, only to he called back into the house a few minutes later and being scolded at for getting all wet. "That's cute... It's raining right now. Will you go out and dance?" "Yeah, will you dance? With me?" He replied looking at her from the side. Of course she would dance with him. She'd do anything with him if he asked.
"Yeah, let's go!" Y/n said jumping off the couch.
"Wait really? I was kidding though, I don't want you to get sick," Thomas frowned as Y/n tried to pull him off the couch.
"No, let's go dance! Come on, we could make up a great dance routine!" Y/n exclaimed while grinning widely.

Thomas sighed, he could never say no to Y/n. "Alright, let's go. But we'll get sick."

"Well then we can get sick together," y/n said smiling at him.

They both went out into the cold rain dancing around and jumping in puddles. Thomas twirled Y/n around multiple times when she slipped and fell into his chest. He caught her as she peered up at him.

They were both soaked to the bone, and were definitely going to catch a cold if they didn't go in soon. But none of them cared. Thomas drew Y/n closer to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he rested his arms around her waist while they both gazed into each other's eyes.

Thomas leaned down and Y/n stood on the tips of her toes as they both kissed.

Rain fell down all around them, and with each second they both got wetter and wetter. None of them cared though; they just had their first kiss in the rain. Nothing could bring them down.

A/N: Alllrighty then. That's the end. Sorry it was a lot shorter than usual, I apologize, but I just wanted to write something about dancing in the rain.

This imagine is based off of one of the maaaany daydreams that I have had. The conversation part on the other hand is based off of a true event that has happened to yours truly.

Sigh. Wish I could get kissed in the rain though.

But yeah, that's it. Hope you enjoyed this imagine :) -Maddy xx

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now