Nowhere Boy

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Author's Note: Okay so, maybe some of you may know this but Thomas was in a movie called Nowhere Boy. It's about The Beatles, but it mostly follows the John Lennon and how they came to be. Highly suggest watching it, but for now, here's an imagine on the character that Thomas plays.

You're at a restaurant with your friend who pressured you into coming with her to go see the new band that she'e obsessed with.
You really didn't want to come, but she eventuallly forced you no matter what.
Sitting near the stage at a table, your friend got up to get a closer look at the band while you stayed behind sitting alone sipping on your drink.
The band that was playing was fairly good, and you had to admit that one player was fairly good looking.
He played the guitar, but he played it differently with his left hand. Nevertheless, he was still attractive and you were pretty attracted to muscians.

On more than one occasion, you would be checking out the guitar player and you would be looking at him only for him to look right back at you and wink.

You turned around the first time to see if he had winked at anybody else, but there was nobody around you. When you looked back at the guitar player he was laughing at you.
Smiling, you leaned back into your chair continuing to take little sips of your alcoholic beverage.

The band wrapped up their song and their leader singer said, "Thank you very much. Next, the Scouse Duane Eddy will playing Moving and Grooving. I present to you, Mr. Paul McCharmly."

Paul, you thought. Cute name fits a cute

"Thanks, John. Kind words," Paul said.
"Didn't mean 'em," John replied. Paul glanced at John before plucking his strings for the intro of the new song.

Their last song ended their gig and that was when your friend finally returned. Collapsing into her chair, she reached over and grabbed your drink. "I am absolutely parched," she said as she emptied half of your cup.

"Well from all your screaming and dancing, I'd gather that you're most likely more than parched," you replied.

"You're right. I also need to use the loo, come with?" She asked. Oh the wonderful code that all girls go to the bathroom together.

"No, I'm alright." Your friend shrugged and stood up and left. On her way, you saw her winking at the lead singer of the band.

"Finally, your friend is gone." Turning your head around you saw the guitarist, Paul, from the band. Immediately you straightened up and smoothed out your dress.

"Uh yes. I saw you play up there," you mentally slapped yourself. Everybody saw the band play. "You were really good! Especially that long song, it was great," you said smiling up at him.

"Mind if I sit down? After standing and playing so long my legs are starting to hurt."

"Of course, feel free." He sat down and let out a sigh of relief. "I'm Paul," he said extending his hand out.

"I know," you immediately went into panic mode as you shook his hand. "I mean, I just- um the lead singer-" Paul smirked at you.

"You know me, eh? I get the feeling that you're a fan?" Paul questioned smirking at you.

"Well no, I- I mean yes, yes I am a fan but tonight is the first that I've heard or seen of your band. And your lead singer said your name so that's how I know who you are."

Paul quirked an eyebrow at you. "Ah, I see." You nodded shyly.

"I noticed that you play the guitar differently; you play with your left hand, that is. How did you learn how to do that?"

"Taught myself, love."

"A lot of time on your hands, than?"

Paul smiled. "Quite a lot," he said. "So what's your name, pretty lady?"


"You come around here often?"

Giggling slightly you replied, "No, but my friend dragged me here wanting to hear your band."

"Speaking of friends, is that her right now?" Paul pointed behind you, to which you turned around and saw your best friend coming out of the bathroom, her hair tousled and her dress shifted oddly. Trailing behind her was the lead singer zipping and buckling up his pants.

You sighed, "Yes, and I assume that he's your friend too?" You asked turning back around the face Paul.

"I guess so," he said as your best friend approached your table.

"Come on, y/n," she said wiping off lipstick that had appeared on her cheek. "Let's get out of here."

"Oh, but wait I-" you turned over to look at Paul.

He smiled at you and said, "It's alright. Go with your friend, but maybe I can see you around again?" He asked as your friend began to tug you away from Paul.

"Oh, of course! I'll see you later!" You said walking away with your friend. The minute you both were out of the door, she squealed.

"Oh my goodness! Who the bloody hell was that? He's sort of cute," You friend poked you as she rambled on. "You have to meet back up with him, you have to!" She said as you both walked down the street.

"Of course! I'll just call him and- oh no, oh no!"


"I forgot to get his house number," you turned around to look at your friend frowning.

"Oh no, love. It's alright, you said that you and him would meet again, right? Maybe you can go back to the pub tomorrow and he'll probably be there."

"Yeah... Yeah I'll just do that," you replied.

The next day you went back to the Pub, and he was there waiting for you at the very same table. :)

Author's note:
wow that was a terrible ending haha.
Okay so let it be known that I don't like to cuss. The only thing I will say are the words "hell" and that's about it.
Ok, but I hope that you enjoyed this imagine! Please give it a vote if you enjoyed it or add it to your library or any reading list!
Thank you, lovelies! -Maddy xx

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now