OUAT (Hook/reader)

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Your life itself was a blur, just an empty space. It was almost as though your eyes opened that day for the first time. No memories existed before him, before those eyes, before Killian Jones.

The moments prior to your awakening had been a story to you. Floating in the water, unconscious and slowly slipping from the wooden plank as the choppy waves tossed you around the sea, one of the crew spotted you. They called out "Man overboard." Mr Smee, his name was.

As the story goes the captain handed the wheel of the Jolly Roger to the crew member closest to him, the silent instruction being to keep her steady. Killian Jones simply stripped off his leather coat, tossing it down on the deck, his reply, "that be no man." No sooner had the words been spoken was he plummeting over the side of the ship as he dived into the rough waves.

Suicide really.

But Killian Jones was miraculous. He surfaced near you but had to duck back under as a wave came crashing down on top of your board. Splinters flew around you as the wood exploded under such force, the tidal power also punching you several feet below the surface.

Breathing wasn't under your control, given the circumstances, never mind the entire ordeal of swimming. With that you sunk deeper and deeper into the depths. Water had began to occupy your lungs as you attempted inhalation. Big mistake, however it was a mistake you had no control over making.

Killian wrapped his arms around you, returning you back to the surface. A rope hung down from the deck, one which Killian had to simply grab onto and clutch tightly, the crew would do the rest of the work for him.

Once you were aboard the Jolly Roger, your saviour simply lay you on deck. In reaction to your treacherous ordeal, your body began to shake and heave, coughing taking over your body, slowly but surely ridding your lungs of the seas water you had breathed.

Rain still coated you as you lay on deck, most of the crew continued to rush around, all except the few that stood distractedly watching you.

Your eyes shot open, frantically searching around you, but all you saw was him. The captain pushed your hair aside, it had been sprawled across your face, sticking to you from both the sea and rain.

"Are you alright?" He had to yell for you to hear him over the thundering storm.

Your entire body was numb, you felt nothing, nor did you have the slightest idea what was going on. You had no idea if you were alright but regardless of the truth you nodded. If alright meant breathing then it applied. Given the circumstances anything above sea level was alright, in fact it was more than alright.

"Take her inside." The captain ordered of one crewman. "My quarters!" The man nodded and scooped you up with ease. You winced loudly, a pain protruding though the numbness but your outburst could not be heard over the raging sea crashing now against the ships shell. As the man began to walk with you, the voice of the captain could be heard, "Come on men! Are we going to let a little storm get the better of us?" A shout rose from the crew, telling the Captain that the crew would overcome the storm as Killian took the wheel back into his more than capable hands. 

No sooner did your back make contact with the bed, were you left alone. You were only in pain when you moved, the obvious solution being not to move, which wasn't the easiest thing to do when the ship tossed from side to side several times a second. Eventually your exhaustion caught up with you and soon you faded into a deep sleep. 

As you slept the only thought that was in your mind was the Captain, the man who had saved your life. 

It came as no surprise to you that when you woke, his were the first eyes you saw. 

It was only a glimpse, less than a second later your eyes were squeezed shut as you screamed out in pain. It was as though there was a fire burning in your abdomen. Your hand went to grab the sore area, only to be swatted aside by the hands of the captain. A single tear plummeted down your cheek as Killian held that hand down and out of the way

"Smee." He called and the chubby man, donning a beard shuffled over and restrained your hands. "I am not going to lie, this will hurt."

"What will?" You asked. Without a reply you felt another jerk and a wave of pain. "A warning next time." You snapped. 

"As memory serves, I gave you one." He said as he dropped a piece of wood on the bed next to you and Smee released your wrists. "If I would have known about these splinters I would not have left you alone." The splinters came from the wave that crashed down upon you. On the surface the spikes were small, barely noticeable  but once you pulled them out they were longer than expected. 

Smee retreated out of the room and you lay there, allowing Killian to wrap a piece of cloth around your abdomen. You felt something cold on your side which caused you to gasp. When you looked down you saw something that you had not expected or noticed before. Rather than a hand, there was a hook. 

A laugh that lacked any and all humor escaped the man before you. "Killian Jones," He introduced, "pirate captain of the Jolly Roger, but you may have heard of me as Captain Hook." You shook your head, having never heard of him before that moment. 

"Let me." You said as you indicated to your wounds. 

"I can do it." Killian held one piece of cloth down with his hook and gripped the other tightly pulling it, skillfully tying it off. "Now," the captain before you sighed, "care to tell me what you were doing in the middle of a storm."

You replied after a brief pause, "No, but I would care to remember." You winced as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. "I have no idea how I got to be out there, the name of the ship I was on or where I was going." You confessed. 

"What about a name?" 

"My name? I can't say, not for sure. For some reason I keep thinking Y/N."

Killian smiled. "Then Y/N it shall be." Nodding you smiled at him. The two of you spoke for a long time, hours perhaps. Killian tried to find a way to jog your memory, anything that would help you to remember who you were, sadly to no avail, but the more time you spent together the less you seemed to care about your past. The frustration of knowing nothing went away and you simply enjoyed the company of the dashing pirate. 

For days you remained in the cabin, Killian insisting that you weren't to stand or stress yourself. Smee would visit occasionally, give you company and check that you were alright but other than your interactions with them, you had very little activity whilst on the jolly roger. A nagging part of you reminded you that you had been on the ship for days, your wounds had healed, and you had done nothing. The crew would be thinking of you as a useless woman on board. 

So one morning, after lying in the captains quarters for two hours and 15 minutes thinking it over, you climbed out of bed and got dressed in the trousers, puffy black shirt and knee high pirates boots Killian had found for you. Then your eyes landed on the black hat sat in the corner. It was Killians but you had yet to see him wear it. 

With a smirk on your face you collected the item and marched out of the room. 

Killian was stood on deck, at the ships wheel calling out orders to the crew who rushed around, weaving to avoid you. You marched up to him, his eyes to preoccupied with the skyline, until you cleared your throat and stood by his side.

You smiled widely as you held the hat in front of you, that hat you had assumed to be his captain hat. "Reporting for duty, Captain." Killian smiled, taking the had from your hands before placing it on your head.

"How are you with heights?" 

You turn to see the captain peering up at the crows next. You knew fine well that Killian wanted you to do something that wouldn't risk putting too much stress on your injuries, despite the fact that they had healed. None the less you saluted your captain and took to climbing the rigging. 

You were part of the crew. 

Not like that stopped you from spending your nights in the captains quarters. What? Killian insisted...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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