The Vampire Diaries Imagine (Elijah & O/C)

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Requested by Kol_Mikaelsonx

"Damon!" You yell as you take off running out of your room. It was a large house which you lived in with your two brother but automatically you could assume Damon was the one responsible for every small crisis you had. Under every other circumstance he was the one responsible. You storm through the house looking angry as ever. Your temper snaps occasionally. There was a time when they found it amusing but that was until fangs got involved. In seconds you're downstairs dressed in nothing more than a bathrobe, your hair dripping wet. You may be a vampire and on a technicality dead but vampires still have to shower or they start to smell like death, just like everyone else had to. It's not funny to take the last of a girls shampoo AND shower gel. If he wants to smell like sunshine and daffodils then he can go right on ahead but not at your expense of no longer having that springtime smell.

"Shh, you'll wake the dead." Damon scolds. You glare at him.

"Really Damon? Because if you don't go get me more shampoo, shower gel and if you know what's good for you conditioner- them you'll be permanently joining them." You threaten. He grins, taking your words to be as hollow as a log. Yes he was right. You love your brother regardless of what he does but he does not need to know that. If he did not only would that inflate his ego more than he has but your hair products would never be safe again.

"Why would I want to smell like the Easter bunny threw up on me? Elena was over and had to take a shower." He shrugged. You should have known. There is nothing your brothers wouldn't do for that girl and raiding your bathroom for anything with a sweet smell clearly wasn't off the table.

"And why couldn't she use yours?"

"Because my shampoo is for men. I don't know if you noticed but Elena doesn't have the right parts to be a man." That's it. You were going to kill him- temporarily of course. Death was no big deal for a vampire and for Damon it was basically 'you're grounded' end of story. You liked Elena, really you did but sometimes you struggled to agree with everything your brothers did concerning her.

"Then you tell Elena-" before you got the chance to finish, someone else in the room cleared their throat. Oh no, it was Stefan's turn to get involved.

You turn around to look at your brother but he's not the only one you see. You acknowledge Stefan's presence but your attention is taken away by the man standing by him. His brown hair is short and styled to perfection, his brown eyes glue them selves to you, you wouldn't consider him tanned but certainly not pain.

You want to hit yourself. It only took seconds staring at his fitted suit for you to realize that he looks like a billionaire and you look as though you are surviving day to day as you stand their sporting an old pink bathrobe.

"Charlotte, are you going to say hello?" Damon asks in you ear. You can hear him smiling as your cheeks turn into tomatoes.

You cringe as you realize that your voice has taken some time off due to your complete and utter embarrassment. The stranger smiles as all you can do is give a numb wave. All you can hear is the noise of his well shined shoes on the wooden flooring as he makes his way over to you. He hold out his hand as the corners of his mouth turn up at the edges.

"Elijah mikaelson." You place your hand in his about to shake as though your meeting was a business transaction. Elijah has other ideas. He takes a gentle hold on your hand and turns it so your hand rests above his. At an excruciatingly slow pace he raises both your hand up and lays a light kiss on the back of your hand. You could melt but you pull yourself together the best you can as you blurt out your name. Again he smiles, bigger this time and much brighter. "Charlotte." He mutters, testing out your name.

He likes it.

He likes you.


You tiptoe down stairs. Damon and Stefan would hear you if you weren't careful. Quickly you rush to the door unlocking it and with in milliseconds of opening it you're wrapped in a warm embrace. You hug them back. As you part from him you look up to see his brown eyes sparkling down at you.

Elijah. Since that day you two have been inseparable, although your brother believe you have been inseparable from Caroline. They aren't what you would call fans of your liking Elijah in the first place. Imagine what they would do if they were to find out that all this time you have been with him.

He pecks your cheek making you bite your lip. Although it was rather chaste you know it more than just a minor peck. You've spent months with the man, getting closer and closer as time goes on. You may not have officially labeled what you both have but it wasn't a problem. He is kind, romantic and everything you ever wanted. His gaze told you the feelings are mutual.

Just as his hand takes hold of yours, ready to lead you away on your date, your attempt to close the door is foiled.

"Well well well," you hear Damon tut at you. Although his words are joking you can hear the underlying anger in his tone. "If it isn't my baby sister and my old friend Elijah." You take a tighter hold of Elijah's hand as you both turn around. Both of your brothers are standing there and neither of them look too happy. 

You give them a sheepish grin. "Hey guys, what are you two doing up?"

"Save it." 

"I was just going for a walk and bumped into Elijah here." You laugh but they all look at you with unamused expressions. you close your eyes knowing that you gave them a horrible excuse. No ones believed that since the dark ages. 

"Charlotte." Stefan speaks. You're grateful because you know hes less likely to lose his cool and stake Elijah. On the plus side Elijah cant be killed quite so easily. "Him? really?"

"Yeah, I like him." Elijah doesn't speak but he takes a small step forward so he's standing directly beside you. You appreciate knowing that hes there for you even when your own brothers are against you. Yes family is important but you don't need them leaning over your shoulder, telling you that every decision you are about to make is wrong. That's the reason why most of the time you make the wrong decision; to prove to them that you will do what you want no matter what they say, usually involving the rules set by the Salvatore boys.

"Too bad. Inside, go read the bible." You roll your eyes at Damon. 

"I like him." You tell him. Stefan's not a push over but hes not as stubborn as Damon is these days. "The sooner you come to terms with that the better."

"Elijah, anything you would like to add?" Stefan asks. Damon looks at him like he has grown a second head, which in his town would not be the weirdest thing to happen. 

"I care about Charlotte, she means a lot to m and if you don't mind stepping out of our relationship then I-"

"Relationship?" The three of you say. That was the first time Elijah had defined what you had as a relationship. Elijah nods and you cant help smiling. "Relationship." You confirm for them. Elijah joins in your pride. Now that it is official you turn around and plant a kiss on Elijah's lips. Its short but it shows all the adoration you have for him and he you as he kisses you back. As you force yourself to pull apart, away from the sparks you feel when you kiss him, you turn to see your brothers. Their jaws are slightly open.

"The way i see it, neither of you are injured or dying because of out relationship, so were good to go. And hey, at least I'm not trying to date Elena." Your brothers take that as a blow and as they are stunned by what you had to say, you and Elijah make your getaway. No matter what your brothers say or do, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone you're going to do what you want, and if anything Elijah and you only make things better for yourselves. No harm in that.



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