Chapter 5

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  This is beyond my understanding. The character is no longer the mouth-piece of the writer, or perhaps it never was. The realization is coming down with a big blow as there seems a sudden outrage in him. He doesn't know what do to next.perhaps some people have the luxury to be in pain and carry on a life with it. It seems there is a lot he will know about pain, of how it has not even started yet. 

I knew this want and need will not curb in him and it will not satiate until he finds something to put his head into. He is miserable and he is on the verge of falling into the pit of self-pity. But soon he bounces back as he is constantly contemplating the real essence of life, the beauty of pain, the flimsiness of happiness in all its vibrancy.  


The hand that raised itself on her, was his enemy now. He watched his bloodied hand as he stopped punching the scrubby granite wall, the hand shivered with pain, as if it were scared of the man, to whom it belonged. The knuckles were bruised with dark congealed blood forming on the brim of the  fresh wound whence the fresh blood oozed its way out. 

But as if the ordeal of it was not enough and as though it had to pay more for its sins, the onslaught went on, he kept punching the wall. I was quite a few minutes that I lay awake watching this with my eyes partially closed. Somewhere I was happy that he was suffering and that he deserved what he was making himself go through. How dare he kidnap me, how dare he tie me up and how dare he hit me for no reason. But I could not stand this savagery anymore, as if he had to pent out some kind of wild anger on anything and everything and if not anything, but himself and I had to witness it. This was a torture in itself. 

I knew he was insane, and no matter what, I had to just keep my mouth shut from now on or he will hurt me and himself, again, and I will have to watch this over and over again. I had to figure out this person and it will never be through talking to him. There had to be someway to get into the thick head of his. My head was reeling with the current situation of mine, and the fact that perhaps I am to be killed by this beast of a man. That is what he is right now, The Beast. 

He suddenly stopped hitting his hand ruthlessly on the wall, and my breath stuck in my lungs when he looked in my direction. He slowly stood up and walked up to me, simultaneously wiping the back of his bloodied hand to his shirt. He couldn't care less at what he looked like. Although I couldn't get a look at his face due to the darkness in the  dungeon , as he came near I could get a glimpse of his bloodshot eyes. I had perhaps slept for some hours because I wasn't feeling very drowsy, but It felt like I had no energy in me. Had it been any other average built human being, I would have tried to fight. But THIS was an impossible human. 

He came very close to me, and sat by my side, inspecting my face. I kept my eyes on him, I did not care if he will be angry or he might even kill me, but I had to see what is coming, I could never be in the same room as he and not look at him simply because he was a threat. It would be foolish of me to close my eyes knowing what potential harm he could inflict on me after hitting me once.  He noticed my eyes open and froze for a second, before he lifted his bloodied hand slowly and carefully as to not startle me, But before he could touch me, I gathered all my energy and courage and all the boldness of my voice to come as strong and said, "Don't touch me", which came out as a mere whisper which must have gone completely unheard but it didn't. He heard it. 

He stood up suddenly and as though some strange spirit had taken over him, he walked across the dungeon in feverish and pulled the trap door open with the help of the heavy iron chain, the same door through which he had entered. He pulled out the shirt over his head and threw it at me, the next thing that I heard from him is something I never thought I would hear him say to me. 

"Go....", he said, "...before I kill you."  I could taste his abhorrence of me in the air that I breathed. It was as though my existence was an affliction on his soul. But I did not want to think about it anymore, when I have got this golden chance to escape this hell-hole. I will get out alive, and I will run for my life. I lifted myself up with much effort but I was happy that this is going to end soon. I picked up his shirt and pulled it over myself, I did not care that it reeked of the pungent smell of his blood. It was as huge as a long dress that touched up to my knees and covered my hands up to my elbows. The thought crossed my head how tight this shirt wrapped around his body. The heady smell of his blood made me gag in my mouth, but I resisted the urge to puke and picked up myself, slowly holding the dark and pointy things around me for support to carry myself towards the door to my freedom. 

I lost no time in thinking where I would go and where I am, but I just wanted to get out of it. I limped my way towards the trap door which was basically an opening in the ground, I was quite sure that I have to run as soon as this beast is no longer in sight, as though his mere presence was holding me captive.  Lowering my head I tried to see the stairs that would probably lead me out. But before I could take a step further into the door, the dungeon went dark. 

A low vile laughter vibrated from where the beast had been standing a few seconds ago, when suddenly the laughter got louder and its source was standing right next to me. And suddenly the door was dragged shut, and my hand was grabbed in a cruel manner, dragging me back to the spot I originally was lying on, I was thrown on the ground. all the while the laughter cut me like a invisible acidic hand around my throat. I hated this vile beast, he was a monster. And if he does not kill me, I WILL kill him. I promise.


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