Chapter 10

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           I knew the second I shut Mercury's door that the two Blacks' were going to scream at each other, mostly Mercury screaming at Marcus. As I walked to grab a pair of pajamas, muffled shouted came from Mercury's room, spreading all around the house. I sighed and quickly changed clothes, placing my dirty ones' in the hamper, and quickly hurried to Mercury's room before Marcus hit him or something. I was about to open the door when I stopped suddenly, listening in on their conversation.
            "I don't know, Dad, I don't want her to leave here," I could hear Mercury say through the door, "She's the only friend I got, not to mention, I'm her only friend. What if she doesn't get along with people?"
            "It's Zuri we're talking about Mercury, she'll be fine making friends' there from her friendly nature, and she'll be a lot safer there than she is here right now with us."
            "But still, I can protect her!"
            "Mercury, don't be stupid! Look at the shape you're in right now! Do you honestly believe that you can protect Zuri right now if someone attacked her? You would be out numbered!"
            "I still don't think she go all the way to Minstrel, though! She can be safe at the academy here!" Academy? What were they talking about with an academy in Minstrel?
            "Well, it's already said and done, Mercury," Marcus said as I opened the door to the awkward atmosphere in the room. I looked at both Marcus and Mercury, who was looking down at his sheets. "Well, I think all of us had have enough for one night, if I do say so myself. You are sleeping in here tonight, right Zuri?"
            "Yeah, that's right," I agreed.
            "Well then, catch some shut eye. Who knows what tomorrow is going to bring. Zuri, I may sent you out on a mission alone to receive some medication, but we can talk about that tomorrow." I watched Marcus closed the door as I crawled in Mercury's bed beside him.
            "How's your leg?" I asked as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to him but made sure I was away from his leg.
            "It's doing okay from what it was. My dad bandaged it up for me so hopefully it will heal. The problem is how badly it burned underneath, because I can't feel a thing right now. In other words, I might be sitting here for a while."
            "I'll go on the mission tomorrow to get you medicine then" I said looking up at him as he shook his head.
            "No, you're not going," he protested, "I won't let you go for something that's probably not going to heal me all the way."
            "But Mercury-"
            "Listen to me, Zuri; I might have to get surgery on my leg... except I might have to get my leg removed entirely. I don't want you to risk your life on a mission where you can't help me."
            "Mercury, I... I didn't know. I'm so sorry," I said, feeling horrible that I was the reason that Mercury was losing his leg, "How are you going to fight then?"
            "It shouldn't be too difficult," he said, "But my dad was going to attach guns to the heels of my mechanic leg, so I will be using more of a melee fighting style than a shooting style, and since I use more of a melee style anyway, I should be fine. It will just work better, I guess?"
            "Just promise me you won't be different, okay?"
            "Won't be different?" he said laughing, "I mean, I'll probably not have a mechanical leg or anything like that."
            "Mercury," I laughed, playfully hitting his chest, "You know what I mean."
            "Alright, alright," he said smiling, "I won't be different, I promise. Not towards you at least, I don't know about the people."
            "Hey, Mercury? What were you and Marcus talking about earlier, with the academy thing?"
            "Oh that," he said solemnly, "I... we'll talk about that tomorrow with my dad, okay? It's too important to talk about it between us alone. But I'm warning you, it's not good."
            "Okay," I said, not even daring to look into his eyes.
            "Hey, don't worry about it tonight, okay? Just get some sleep right now. You're going to have a big day tomorrow with what Dad and I have to tell you."
            "Alright, Mercury," I said as I snuggled close to him, "Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow."
            "Goodnight, Zuri," I heard him say, "Sweet dreams."

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