Witch? i think you mean B*tch!

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dedicated to @too_delusional & @CatherineTheOtaku stay beautiful 

dedicated to @too_delusional & @CatherineTheOtaku stay beautiful 

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(i just thought this was cute)

"Omg! Bubba did you hear about the two new girls?" says an over excited Cake to Bubba, a stumbling Fiona not far behind her.

"No, i didn't want to tell me about it?" says Bubba smiling. Cake always liked to gossip and he wasn't going to stop her from being happy. Plus he always liked to meet new people.

"So there are two new girls sitting in the attendance office. one has really long, pretty white hair. almost as pretty as Fiona's!" says cake with a quick tug at one of Fiona's bunny ears.

" Okay and the other? asks Bubba, closing his locker and walking towards the attendance office? he wanted to see the girls for himself.

"well the other one is a little... different." 

"How so?" asks Bubba facing cake and Fiona.

"well she also has white hair but it doesn't look like its in good shape. Its all scraggly and stuff. Not to mention half of her head is shaved!" said Cake with a gasp of horror, making Bubba laugh.

Just then the faint smell of something dark and spicy engulfs him as two arms clad in a red flannel surround him.

"Hey babe." says Marshall huskily leaving a trail of kisses up and down Bubba's neck.

"Ugh! get a room you two." says Cake.

"you're just saying that because you depressing boyfriend isn't here to make out with you. plus you cant possible complain about us, you guys all but fuck in the hallways half the time." says Marshall with a smirk, causing Bubba to blush and cake stick her tongue out at him.

"Hey," says Bubba turning to face Marshall, "we were just heading to the attendance office to meet that two new students. Wanna come?"

"sure let me just get a drink of water. Ill meet you there?"

"okay by babe." and with a kiss the two parted.

Bubba quickly rushed down the hall to the attendance office. He swiftly opened the door to see cake and Fiona already talking to the two new girl.

" hey you guys must be the two new girls." he said making his way over to them." I'm Bubba."

"I'm Ashley." said the taller one with a smirk that just oozed confidence. " and that's Ice."

ice quickly looked up at Bubba and blushed before looking back down at her blue shoes, that matched the rest of her blue ensemble.

"Well, welcome to AAA high." said Bubba just as the attendance office door opened.

"Hey gummy." said Marshall placing a kiss on Bubba's cheek.

he then looked up and froze in shock. 


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