Person from the Past

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"Omg. Hey Marshall. What're you doing here?" said Ashley with a smile.

"If anyone should be asking that question its me." said Marshall, his lip curling is disgust.

"Oh, you two know each other?" asked a confused Bubba.

"You mean to say your precious marshy bear never told you about me? well I'm hurt." said Ashley, walking over to Marshall and putting an arm around his shoulders. "I'm Marshall's ex-girlfriend."

"Oh." said Bubba, getting more and more awkward with each second.

"Well," said Ash, taking her arm off of Marshall's shoulders and beginning to walk away, "I'll see you all later."

Just before turning the corner she looks at the awestruck group and winks "Don't miss me too much."


"Why didn't you tell me about her?" asks a frustrated Bubba pacing back and forth in front of Marshall.

"I didn't think it mattered that much." Says Marshall with a confused shrug.

"Well obviously, it does matter cause now she goes here! I thought we were finally being honest about each other?"

"I am honest!" says Marshall beginning to get angry. "Your overreacting! Plus, it's not like you ever told me about any of your exes."

"CUZ I HAVE NO EXES!" shouts a slightly red in the face Bubba. With a huff, he begins to walk away from Marshall.

"Wait? Where are you going? Asks Marshall, taking a few steps after Bubba.

"I Don't wanna talk to you right now." Says Bubba, halting but not turning to face Marshall "I just wanna be left alone."

And then Bubbas gone before Marshall can even say wait.


"I'm not I?" asks Bubba to himself as he sets his tray down text to Fiona and Cake. He absentmindedly sits down and chews on one off the baby carrots on his tray until his train of thought his disturbed by Cake lightly pushing on his shoulder.

"Hey you okay? You seemed lost in thought." asks Cake.

"Do think I'm overreacting?" asks Bubba, setting down his carrot with a sigh.

"Over what?" asks Fiona leaning in to join the conversation.

"Well," begins Bubba with a huff, "me and Marshall got in an argument. I didn't know that Ashely was his ex and – "

"Well we could tell that by our facial expression." interrupts Cake. When Bubba shoots her a murderous glance she pretends to locker her lips up and throw away the key.

"And" continues Bubba "after me and Marshall had an argument over it. He won't tell me anything about her and thinks I'm overreacting over the fact that he hasn't told me anything about his ex and now she just happens to show up at our school."

"I don't think you're overreacting." Says Fiona, reassuringly placing an arm around his shoulders. "if I had to find out about Flames exes only when they showed up at our school they would be calling him flame anymore. He'd be charred" she jokes with a smile.

"You're entitled to know about this kinda stuff" says Cake ruffling Bubba's hair.

"Thanks guys." Says Bubba with a small smile.

"Hey, that's what were here for." replies Fiona with a wink.

" replies Fiona with a wink

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Look how cuteeeeeeeee. anyways im back hope you like the chappie


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