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At the end of the day Bubba decided to sneak out of last period to meet Marshall at his locker so they could talk. Bubba always hated fighting with Marshall and wanted to resolve this feud as quickly as possible.

A couple of minutes after the bell rang Marshall still hadn't shown up at his locker. Usually Marshall did all but run out of the school, he wanted to leave as soon as possible. After 15 minutes, he shot Marshall a couple of texts asking where he was. Half an hour passed by and still there was no sign of Marshall. 

Bubba came to the realization that maybe he should have just texted Marshall and left it at that. Just as he was about to leave he heard Marshal's raspy laugh from the end of the hall. He turned the corner a smile on his face his arm linked with –

Wait? Ashley?!

When Marshall saw, Bubba standing beside his locker his laughter abruptly stopped. He quickly unlinked his arm from Ashley's and made his way towards Bubba.

"What're you doing here?" asked Marshall his brow furrowing.

"Well," began Bubba, "I wanted to talk to you before our feud spiralled out of control but I guess you were busy with other things." He shot a look at Ashley, who was now standing next to him.

"Marshall was just telling me about how he doesn't feel you trust him." said Ashley with a coy smirk. "I was just trying to be there for him."

"Well he doesn't need you, he's got me." Replied Bubba staring at their linked arms.

"Gosh Bubba, just chill." Replied Marshall with a roll of his eyes.

"Yea." Giggled Ashley in agreement "No wonder he was so pissed you're being uptight as hell. Do you have a stick up your butt or something?"

Bubba expected Marshall to stand up for him, to say that's pushing it too far, but instead he just snorted. In raged bubba stepped up to him and poked him in the chest harshly.

"I just wanted to make amends with you I wanted to talk with you but you were to busy floundering around with this hoe," bubba points a finger at Ashley who squints her eyes at him "doing lord know what!"

Bubba then abruptly turns to face Ashley and stare at her menacingly, "And you can't just steal my boyfriend away from me. HE'S MINE! He moved on from you get over it! You may be tricking everyone else in this school that you're some innocent little flower but me and my friends know that you're a bitch and we wont let our guards down you stupid- "


Both Ashley and Bubba turned to look at Marshall, who's face was slightly flushed. Addressing Ashley, he said "Why don't you wait in the parking lot Ash? I just need to talk with Bubba here, ill meet you at your car."

"Okay." Replied Ashley "But be quick, don't forget you promised to go out for ice cream with me."

She turned to face Bubba with a smirk. She abruptly turned and head down the hall. As soon as she left the school Marshall turned to look at bubba, his face still slightly flushed. Before Marshall could say anything, Bubba spoke up.

"So, what? Now you're going on dates with her?"

"Stop over reacting!"

"I'm not! She trying to take you away from me!"

"My Gosh, you always through a tantrum when you don't get your way and everyone knows it!" said Marshall the volume of his voice rising. "Sorry I don't treat you like a god. Is that what you want me to do? Sorry I don't treat you like you're perfect like all youth little royal subjects do. Gosh, I must be such and inconvenience to you."

"Glob, are you done yet? Cuz' I'm tired of feeling guilty for this!
Is that what people really think about me? That I'm a god above all of you?" asked Bubba almost in tears

"Well you sure act like it!" spits an enraged Marshall "I just wanted someone to be there for me. You weren't and she was. And you were so mean to her. She was just trying to help me. You treat me like an object you own and when anyone gets to closed you bare your fangs!"

"Sorry if I seem malicious, but I can't sympathize with you. I know that it hurts when you're lonely, but I can't take that burden from you." Said Bubba a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, determined not to let his dam break.

"So, I'm a burden now, huh? I guess I'm just your problem?" Said Marshall, basically nose to nose with Bubba.

"You're not my problem, SHE IS!" yelled Bubba

"Well, she doesn't have to be." Retorts Marshall

"Yes, she does. You usually wear this defensive attitude and won't tell me anything. You're not proving your point," Bubba said running his hands through his hair.

"I shouldn't have to prove anything to you!"

"If you want this relationship you do!"

" Why would I want this? If it's going to be this way at least."

That's statement was like a sucker punch, it propelled Bubba a few steps backwards. He could feel his dams beginning to crumble.

"Well," began Marshall not looking at Bubba, "I gotta go, Ash is waiting for me."

Just as he reached the doors to outside Bubba began to speak.

"I'm sorry it has to this way." He said, his voice cracking mid-sentence.

"Me too." Replied Marshall before storming outside.

And right there, on the cold, grey, linoleum school floor Bubba let his tears run free as his heart broke into a million little pieces. 


wassup guysss?!

hoped you liked the update! writing this made me so sad. things are gonna be tough for a lil while for our fave OTP

don't forget to comment, vote and follow me!

lots of lurveeeee

- rachel ^-^

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