The Baby Gilbert - A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction

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  • Dedicated to Emily Diamond

Hey guys, If your reading this then you are awsome! =D I love the vampire diaries and I decided I would do a proper story this time...Not just a one shot.This is the first chapter and I should have regular uploads.I do not own anything to do with the vampire diaries(Imagine if I did?)Apart from Lilly and Ashleigh then I own Nothing !! Enjoy xxxx


Lilly's POV

"Lilly,Don't stay out to late!" Aunt Jenna bellowed from upstairs.When was she going to realise that I wasn't a kid anymore?I mean Jeremy's Only a year older then me and he is out every night.And Elena is only seventeen and she is always sleeping over her new boyfriend Stefan's house.

I realised I was having a mental conversation with myself which was not good.So I shrugged my Black hoodie tighter aroung me and trudged of to my favourite place in the world...The wood.

Damon's Pov

The wood was quiet except for the odd chirp of a bird.I only came here because Stefan and Elena had come home all Lovey-dovey and it was making me feel sick.So I had to get out.Why should he be the one lucky enough to have someone care about him.

I mentally slapped myself.What did it matter if she had chosen the weak,slow and boring brother?I am Damon Salvatore I don't need anyone to love or care for me. I was a lone wolf.It was all about Me,Myself And I.

The snap of a twig brought me back to reality and I remembered where I was.My head whipped around to where the sound came from.

Lilly's POV

I stepped on a twig and it snapped really loudly.Because the forest was so quiet it seemed to echo.Bouncing off each of the trees right back into my ears.I sighed then carried on walking.I walked north for a further minute then a strange feeling came over me

.Someone was watching me.As soon asIrealised I broke into a run.I ran as fast as my legs could go.I wasn't focusing on whereI was going and I tripped and was gonna land on a sharp,Pointy twig.I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.But it never came.

Instead two hands like Iron grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.

"Thank you so mu--" I started but couldn't finish.Because standing in front of me was the most Beautiful man I had ever seen.He had dark brown hair and the most gorgeous crystal blue eyes I had ever seen.And he was wearing everything in black.

"Don't mention it"He said.what was he talking about?The was an akward silence while I continued to gaze intently at his face and body.

"So,What's your name?"I asked.I noted that he still hadn't let go of my arms.An that's when it hit me.I was in the middle of the woods with a strange man I had never met before.He could be a serial killer for all I know.

"Damon.Damon Salvatore what's yo--"

"Salvatore as in Stefan?"

"Yeah he's my little brother. How do you know Stefan?"He eyed me suspiciously.

"He's my sister's boyfriend"I shrugged.He stopped eyeing me suspiciously and smiled a 250* killowatt smile.

"Your Elena's sister?Isn't your name Lil-Rose or something?"I rolled my eyes.My dastardly nickname ever since I was five.

"um, It's Lilly Rose actually.But everybody calls me Lilly."I corrected.

"Yeah,Anyway.Lil-Rose what are you doing out in the woods all alone in the dark?"He raised on eyebrow then lent in a little closer""Anything could happen!"

"Im old enough to look after my self!"I snapped.Then thought better of myself.Damon hadn't done anything to me."I'm sorry I souldn't have snapped at you."I apologised.

"It's okay,I'm used to it.I've got a little brother remember?But I am curious what has got you so worked up?"I could see there was deep humour in his eyes.

"Everyone keeps treating me like im a baby.Even Elena!"I explained,Then realised that I sounded Like a baby whining about how evryone things I'm a baby.

"And just how old are you?"

"Im 15 on thursday.How old are you?"He chuckled when I said my age and then again when I asked his age.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I said-"He stopped,Looked at me then said"-Im Twenty-Two"Then my phone started ringing.

*Paramore's Monster*


"Lil.Hey it's Elena.What's up?"

"Oh,Hey Lena.Im out.With a friend" I peeked at Damon and saw him smirking wildly at me.

"It's getting should be home.Which friend are you at.I'll come and pick you up.I'm on my way home from Stefan's so it will be no problem."

"Don't worry I'm almost home.I bet I'll beat you."I challenged. Elena laughed down the phone

"Your on baby sis.Loser has to do the dishes for a month."

"Well get your scrubbing gloves ready."

"We will see.Just be careful." Elena quit the call.

"I've gotta go."Damon nodded.

"Well at least let me walk you home"I nodded and we both walked i the direction of my house.

Damon's POV

I walked the mini Gilbert to the edge of the wood.She was silent as we walked through the trees.Then I realised she was different from other girls her age.She didm't feel the need to talk to fill up silences or whine on about unimportant things just to feel ilike she has been heard.

As we got by her house I stopped.I lifted my hand and gently trailed my fingers down her cheek until my fingers brushed her nose.I heard her heart accelarate and I smiled in satisfaction.

"Good night Lil-Rose"


So,What do you guys think?Like I said I will try and upload regularly,If you guys want to read it that is?! But let me know.

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Love Hannah <3 =D

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