The Baby Gilbert - Love Bite

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Hey Guys. I haven't written in ages.Sorry :L I had a bad case of writer's block :P,, Well her is the chapter. And there are some pics of the chapter and stuff (Clothes and stuff)

And the is also a video of Bruno Mars It will rain. This song doesn't really have anything to do with the chapter I just really like the song.And I've just seen Breaking Dawn :O OMFG!! I love it, Can't wait for the next one! :P

It would be really cool if you guys reading could comment below and tell me what you think is gonna happen in teh next couple of chpters. :D Any ways, I do not own anything (Apart from Lilly) Everything is to the CW and L.J Smith :D


Lilly's POV

I got changed into Black Jeans and A black tank top with a denim shirt over the top of it..Then I put on a pair of Black converse.I sighed to myself.It had been two whole days since the fake-compulsion drama thing.I hadn't spoken to Damon since. He said he would explain everything.I shouldn't sit around moping though.I was not one to dwell on the past.

I made my way downstairs and heard Jeremy and Elena were hunched over the dining room table when they saw me.

"So yeah,um,That new history teacher has given me a chance to do extra credit.Something about Mr.Tanner having an ass file dedicated to just me."I smiled.

"Sounds about right Jer" I taunted as I walked  over to the fridge and poured myself a glass of ice cold apple juice.

"Haha Lilly.Right well i'm getting out of this dump.Bye" Me and Elena watched Jeremy sling his bag over his shoulder and walk out of the house.I turned to Elena.

"Do you think he's actually gonna try this time?"She shrugged her shoulders.

"Who knows.But God I hope so.C'mon."She grabbed her bag and walked over to the door as well.I looked at my sister puzzled.

"What are you doing?I'm going to school with Ashleigh."Elena smiled and shook her head.

"No you have got an optician appointment."I groaned.I'm gonna have glasses.I grabbed my black starry rucksack and trudged out of the door.


One hour later I was walking out of the opticians carrying my new glasses.The were black and thick framed.

"I don't see why you don't wear them?"Elena said chuckling.I gave her a look of pure hatred.She just carried on laughing at me.

"Just drop me off at school will you?"I said absentmindedly staring out of the window.I watched all the houses of the town that I had grown up in whizz (Hehe :D) past me.I decided that I would find a way to confront Damon.He owed me an explanation!

"Lilly?I'll drop you off only if you promise to keep your glasses on!" I groaned and nodded my head.

Elena pulled up to Mystic Falls High and got out.It was already 2nd period but Stefan was waiting for her at the doors.I grumbled incoherently to myself and slammed my glasses onto my face.Ouch!I followed Elena and Stefan to the doors and watched them walk inside and down the hall without so much as a goodbye.I double checked they were out of sight and turned on my heel and ran towards the direction of the woods.

Damon's POV

I hadn't seen the Mini Gilbert in 2 whole days.I would have thought she would have found a way to contact me by now.Ah well,Guess I will have to contact her.My jaw started aching suddenly.Damn I was hungry.I shrugged on my Black Leather jacket and headed out of the house.It was awfully quiet because Saint Stefan was at school.I ran to the forest to grab a deer or something small. I drained three humans yesterday so I wasn't Starving! So animals would do for today. I ran at top Vampire speed into the forest.I just let my hunting instincts take over.

I could hear a herd of deer nearby and I pushed myself even faster.As soon as they spotted me they scarpered.But deer are no match for a Vampire.I snatched out and grabbed the biggest one.Snapping it's neck in the process.I sunk my canines into the deer's jugular and drank deeply.I let the blood strengthen me (Well to the strongest that animal blood can) And once I was finishedIi layed the carcass on the forest floor.

Then a new scent hit me. This was sweeter then the deer I had just drained.Much sweeter.I followed the scent.

Lilly's POV

I carried on running as fast as my legs would take me into the forest. I knew that Damon would be in the forest.I don't know how I knew I just did.I stopped when I realised just how far into the forest I had come.SLAM!!

I was knocked backwards into a nearby tree and was pinned there by a pair of ice cold arms.I looked into Bright Blue Orbs.Damon. But Damon looked different.He looked just like he had in my dream.

"Damon?Damon,What's wrong?" Damon chuckled at my question.

"Nothing is wrong.In fact everything is right."I Lent in closer and I could feel his breath on my face when he talked."Lilly.You have no idea how thirsty I am" Damon was scaring me know. Why didn't he just go feed off a squirrel or something?

"Oh.are you.That's nice.Um, Bye."I turned to try and walk away but his body pushed mine deeper into the tree.

"Lilly.You don't understand.I have a hunger for you.And it is only fair.I did not get rid of your memories so you are in debt to me."He swept my hair off my neck and brushed his hand along my neck. He licked his lips and stared at my neck. "May I?" He questioned.Pleading with his eyes. I didn't want to say no to those Blue orbs. So I nodded. Damon smirked. "Just close your eyes and relax". I listened to half of what Damon said and relaxed a little bit but did not close my eyes.Damon tilted my head slightly to the right and bent his head to my neck and trailed soft kisses there.

Then I felt two sharp incisors at my throat as Damon bit down harshly.But I couldn't scream out in pain. Instead I screamed out in ecstasy.



Sorry if it's not long.It did feel like it took forever to write. :D

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Love Hannah xx <3 :D

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