The Baby Gilbert - Dinner

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  • Dedicated to Dominique-Jade Lewis-Sullivan

Hey guys,If your reading this then I hope your going to follow all of Lilly and Damon's Story.This is the second chapter and I know I said it would be a regular thing.I'm starting to think of making it a daily thing.Well here's the chapter.

I do not own anything.This is a just a crazy obsessed fan writing for pure enjoyment.The vamprie diaries is not mine.But Lilly is. Enjoy :D <3


Lilly's POV

Just as I walked up the porch steps Elena pulled up in her jeep.I smiled to myself and waved to her.She rolled her eyes as she got out of the car and walked up to me.

"We agreed one month,right?"I said laughing.

"Enjoy this.You won't win next time."

"Okay, Elena.Just admit it I'm faster then you even when your driving a car!"Elena opened the front door and stepped inside.

"Did you catch dinner yet?"She said looking sheepish.

"No,Why?"I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well,Stefan's coming over."

"Oh,do you want me to give you guys space or something?"

"No,No Lil he's coming over so he can meet the you.He's met Jenna and Jeremy but he has never spoken to you properly."I nodded to myself.This was weird.Why would my sister's boyfriend want to meet me?"Do  you know where Jenna and Jeremy are?"

"Yeah,Jenna's in a meeting on campus until 10pm and Jeremy.Well God knows where Jeremy is.He's Probably with the Stoner Douche bags he calls friends."I said.Elena give me a stern look.

"Cut him some slack.His girlfriend has disappeared without a trace.How would you feel?"

"Well I would'nt know  since I don't have a boyfriend who goes disappearing whenever he feels like.Nor do I have a Boyfriend at all."

"Stop whining and decide,Do you want lasagne or Bolognase?"Hm.a hard choice.

"Um,Spag Bol.You make it just like mom."I said.

"Well it's a family recipe and you weren't old enough for mom to teach you before...Guess I'll have tot teach you instead.If your lucky!"

"Thanks El.Do you need help?"I offered.

"You can pass me the Spagetti from the drawer."

Damon's POV

When I got home Stefan was waiting in the parlour.He was looking at me suspiciously.

"Spit it out brother.It's bad to keep things bottled up"

"Well,Elena has invited us both to dinner.To meet the family.Don't ask me why she has invited you.Let's just get going if your coming?"He asked I could see he was secretly hoping I would say that I wasn't coming.

"Ok,Brother but were taking my car."

Lilly's POV

One and a half hours later and the spag bol was being served into a massive dish.

"God,Elena you could feed a whole army!"

"Well when Jenna And Jeremy get home they will have something cooked."She replied.

I nodded."So what's Stefan actually like.I mean I've said hello a couple of times but I've never had a conversation with the guy.--"The doorbell rang.Elena got up.

"Guess your gonna find out"She sighed as she walked to the door.She pulled back the door and there was Stefan.And...Damon?

"I brought a guest"Stefan said smiling to Elena.Stefan and Damon walked inside.Then Stefan turned to me."Hi,Lilly it's nice to properly meet you."He outstretched his hand.I shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too,Stefan."There was a little cough from behind Stefan.Stefan turned slightly annoyed to his older brother.

"Lilly,This is my brother,Damon."He gestured to Damon who was smiling wildly in my direction.Damon walked over and picked up my hand and kissed it for a second.

"Hi,Lilly"He looked at me in such a way that my heart started beating 200mph.Elena and Stefan exchanged looks and then Elena walked over to me and said.

"Dinner is ready in the other room."

Damon's POV

We were all being seated around the Gilbert table.Lilly was on my right and Stefan and Elena were on the other side of the table.We ate in silence until my brother started quizzing Lilly about her life.

"So,Lilly.Do you have any hobbies?"I nearly laughed at my brother's feeble attempt at conversation.

"Yeah"Lilly turned away from my brother and shoved a big mouthful of pasta into her small mouth.Elena shot her daggers and then finished her sentence for her.

"She's been doing ballet since she could walk."Elena announced proudly.

"Wow,Our housekeeper's daughter does ballet.Doesn't she Damon?

"Yes,She's about your age as well."I said knowing full well how old Chloe was.And that she would'nt be in dance anytime soon."Her name's Chloe Carmichael."Elena looked at Lilly then at me and Stefan.

"Yeah,Chloe and Lilly don't really see eye to eye."Elena nodded slightly as she spoke.

"Yes,Because she is a stuck up slutty,bitch who thinks she is better then everyone.I'm telling you if she got anymore stuck up, her own nose would be up her ass."Lilly said.I chuckled quietly.Lilly looked at me with her eyes narrowed. 

"Ok,Who wants Dessert?"Elena said jumping up from the table.She walked out to the kitchen and Stefan mumbled that he was going to help her.As soon as they were out of ear shot Lilly turned to me.

Lilly's POV

"What are you doing here?" I whispered to the smirking Damon in front of me.

"Having dinner.What does it look like?"He asked with deep humour in his eyes.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?"I quizzed.

"Because up until literally 2 hours ago I didn't even know I was coming."Elena and Stefan emerged from the kitchen then.carrying a large bowl of trifle.


"Goodbye Damon."Elena said from the doorway back into the living room.She went outside with Stefan to his car so she could say goodbye privately.That left me and Damon in the living room.

"It was nice seeing you Lilly."I nodded.Damon walked over and pinned my arms to the side of my hips.He kissed me on the cheek for a second.but it was enough.Blood rushed to my face and my heartbeat hammered in my ears."See you round, Lilly" And he walked out of my house.

"Goodbye,Damon." I whispered to his Dark siloutte reducing into the night.


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