The Baby Gilbert - Truth

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  • Dedicated to Rebecca Diamond

Hey guys,, if you're reading then Hi!!! :D  I'm writing this in my room playing footloose repeatedly on youtube.Hehehe.I've just watched the new movie and I think it is awsome!!!! The guy who plays Ren is Hot!!!! <3Any way,,in this chapter in the middle there is some random convo in the middle that I had with myself and wanted you all to know so sorry if you don't like rambling*Stops and stares at screen then realises that she is rambling now*Sorry,,, here is the chapter,, I do not own anything..Apart from Lilly.She is mine.Man i wish Damon was too!!!  :D


Lilly's POV (Dream)

'All those animal attacks?Those people who died?'I heard my sister's strained voice whisper.

'No.That was Damon'Damon?What has he got to do with this?What the hell is going on? 'I don't drink human blood that's not how I choose to survive.But Damon does' WTF?'i'll tell you everything but please.Don't tell anybody.'Stefan's voice drifted through my dream pleading with my sister.Ok this is weird.

I woke up in a sweat.What the hell was that all about?Then I remembered.I had heard my sister and Stefan arguing a couple of weeks back.But I hadn't thought of it as anything strange.Until now.Elena sounded as though she was scared.And she mentioned people dying and all the animal attacks.I looked over at my bedside cabinet.My alarm clock said it was half past one in the morning.I listened hard and could hear my sister brushing her teeth in our joint bathroom.I needed to find out what they were talking about.They were talking about people who had died and- Damon.Stefan had said that he didn't drink human blood to survive.But Damon did.So what did that make them.Vampires?No,Everyone knows Vampire's aren't real.Don't they?

 I sighed to myself.I needed answers.I tiptoed across my room and through mine and Elena's joint bathroom until my ear was pressed against her bedroom door.I could hear her typing away on her laptop.I pushed open the door.

"Elena.I need to ask you something."Elena jumped when I burst in the room.Then she saw it was me and she relaxed a little.She nodded.

"Course Lil,Go ahead."I nodded tomyself and sat on the end of her bed.Here goes nothing.

"What are Stefan and Damon?"I whispered.Elena's jaw dropped.The she regained her composiure.

"What?!Lilly, what are you talking about?"She laughed nervously.An obvious sign that she was hiding something.

"Elena.I know that they are not human.I heard you and Stefan having an arguement the other week.And I just recalled it in a dream.You were quizzing Stefan about all the murders.But he said it was Damon,Elena what are they?"I asked she closed her eyes and breathed hard through her nose.

"You weren't supposed to find out.I'm supposed to protect you."She saw that I was not going to dimiss this that easy."Stefan and Damon are Vampire's."I stared at her shocked for a minute.Vampires?But they were only real in Twilight and Being Human.WTF?Elena looked at my confused expression and explained everything I ever needed to know about Vampires.We sat there talking for hours about Vampires and Stefan.So I found out that:

1.Damon and Stefan were vampires.  2.A herb called Vervain weakens them and stops them doing compulsion on you.(I also found out that Elena has been putting it in my tea ever since she found out.) 3.Stefan is on the animal stuff and Damon...Well Damon is a human eater. 4.That Vicki hasn't really left town.She has in fact been staked by my sister's boyfriend because she got turned into a vampire by my sister's boyfriend's brother.-That wasn't half confusing to right XD - an she went nuts on halloween trying to kill my brother and sister (Where the hell was I when all this happened?).

Elena stopped after telling me this.She must of thought I was having a nervous break-down.So she stopped and stared at me for a couple of minutes.

"Is Jeremy okay with all of this?I mean he doesn't act like he has seen his girlfriend get staked right in front of him?"Elena shifted uncomfortably on her bed.She wasn't telling me something."Elena,Spill!"

"Well,You should have seen Jeremy.It was like Mom and Dad all over again.I couldn't just leave him go back to that... things were finally looking up."She reasoned.I looked into her eyes.

"Elena.Why didn't you tell me before?I can handle it.I'm not gonna go running off into a door screaming my head off,or walk up to Damon and tell him to tap my vain."I started laughing then.Elena rolled her eyes.She knew once you got me going I could laugh at anything.Even if it is not the right moment to burst in to laughter.I laughed so hard i felt pee about to come out(Gross i know but I needed to show the extend of how hard she was laughing and my brain is not working so that's the best your gonna get :D).So I left a chuckling Elena on her bed(I have a funny laugh,so I'm told,So if you guys who know me are reading this...Lilly has my laugh.And those of you who do not know me.My laugh is like a really loud musical scale.And my laugh is infectious.If i'm telling a joke and no one finds it funny only me i will laugh(Yes I laugh at my own jokes)and then everyone will laugh just because of my laugh-Comment if you understood that-Sorry,,gone off point.Back to the story)and ran to the bathroom resisting the urge to pee on Elena's carpet.

Once I had gone to the toilet I tiptoed up against Elena's bedroom door and heard her talking.She had two voices talking back to her.They were both male.And I recognized them both.Stefan and Damon.I burst in.I froze on the spot as I saw Damon.I flushed a deep red and looked at the floor.Then I remembered.I snapped my head up to Elena.She looked at me once then she turned to the boys.

"Do it."Damon nodded and Stefan hugged Elena.WTF?Damon slowly walked over to me,and I backed up to the door.

"Lilly,I'm not gonna hurt you"Damon said holding his hands.

"Yeah that's what the serial killer says before he chops your friends bum off and makes you eat it"I whispered.I saw the ghost of a smile on his face.This infuriated me,and scared me.I wasn't taking any chances.I ran into my bedroom slamming and locking my door.I sat against the door.What was Elena doing?I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"lilly"Damon said.He was in my room.I stood up and he pushed me against the wall.I stared into his bright blue orbs.Elena burst in then with Stefan in tow.

"Don't hurt her,Just take away her memories."I looked at my sister in Horror.No.Why.What a bitch.Damon slowly walked over to me again.Like a predetor stalking it's prey.Then it hit me.That's all we were to them.Prey.Food.

"No,Please.Elena"Elena looked away from me and turned into Stefan's arms.I started crying.Damon was right beside me now.holding me against the wall by my arms.he was pushed right up against me.He was so close and so beautiful that it took my breath away."Damon, please.No."I whispered only so he could hear.He nodded and lent in closer to speak in my ear.

"Pretend that i've compelled you.i'm gonna make you faint but when you wake up.You have to act as if you do not know what Vampires are."I nodded.He looked into my eyes and his breath blew on my face.I leant in closer and our lips connected for a second until Damon whispered"Faint"and I fell into his arms and let darkness surround me.


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