Chapter 5

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***The first night David has dreamt of Angel***

There are recurring images in this chapter like the crow, it symbolizes something about David, which is up for you to tell....This dream is kind of disturbing so if you are the type that dreads nightmare, well, this one's gonna help you through it... (:  Face your fears they say! 



David awoke with the sound of piano playing on the background.

The piece it played is unfamiliar to his ears but the feeling that enveloped his whole being is familiar to him. It was soft and warm but sad in tone. He rose to his feet following the origin of the melodic sonata. It is still dark outside the house but the lambent moonlight gave the needed amount of light to see the road.

Curious, he walked tightening his sleeping robe following the unknown music.

It headed to a huge Mahogany just beside the Reverend's house. Beneath the shade of the tree is a huge black piano with the musical script on top of it. The guy playing on the instrument is faced against his direction so he can only see his back. David listened as he run his fingers through the ivory keys. The melodious tone from the piano shifted from soft and tranquil to vivacious and lively. The song hummed the evening skies and sent ripples of iridescent notes. The grass swayed with it in time like they suddenly come to life and the leaves rustle in the ground beneath the guys feet.

The surrounding environment is harmonious, until a crow swoops down from the huge mahogany tree and hops in the black shiny surface of the piano. The guy playing it seemed oblivious to the crow. And then the crow suddenly pecked at the white ivory keys until it gets one and then flew back to the branch of the tree.

With the missing key, the sound of the piano suddenly went off the chart. The guy playing the instrument run his fingers hysterically, breaking the chain of the once beautiful melody. He weeps as he voiced "I can't find the missing piece!" repeatedly. David looked at the crowabove the mahogany tree with the ivory piano key in between its pointy beaks.

"Wrack...wrack...wrack...." The crow laughed again insultingly to the poor guy sobbing and looking for his key but he seemed unable to see the crow above him. David can't stand the crow's mockery as if he never gets enough of it already during his father's burial and earlier when he tipped over throwing himself at the bottom of the stream.

He picked up a stick and rushed over infuriatingly to the mahogany knocking the crow to the ground as he swing the stick on its direction with his full force. It hit the black bird solidly. He looked at crow lying lifeless in the ground with contentment. He picked up the white ivory key from where the crow is lying. Its feathers are scattered around in a mess. He grinned triumphantly before turning his back from the lifeless bird to give the missing key to the guy playing the piano but his eyes widened in fear when he see the guy playing was faceless.

Then there goes the hair raising, off-tune and agitated music from the piano again. "Stop it! Stop it!" David commanded angrily but the faceless guy does not seemed to notice him so he wrecked the piano with his knuckles scattering its pieces all over stamping it with his feet.

He looked back at the guy again and saw two familiar blue yes embedded in his pale round face. It was the Reverend's son, tears dripping from his eyes as he looked at his piano being shattered to pieces. David felt sorry for him but the the guy does not seem to see David.

He woke up heavily panting with the alarm clock still ringing high-pitched on the ground, broken. From what it seemed, the piano he punched earlier was his alarm clock chiming sporadically. He was just dreaming. The first time he ever dream of him.

"Geez, what an odd nightmare"He exclaimed running his finger through his hair. He does not like the idea that crows are getting intoon his life even at sleep but it made him feel better to see those blue eyes not imprisoned with glasses.

He heard a knock on the door. "David, are you alright? I heard a noise earlier, what was that?" Asked her mother worriedly. "Yeah, everything's fine, T'was nothing mom, I just flipped over my bed and fell on the floor" he answered uninterestingly eyes still half-closed. "Then you better get off your ass Hun, it's 7:00 in the morning, first day in the University, and you don't want your professor to go pulling sticks on you on the first day of school, right? That would be a major turn off"

"What the fuck!!!" Was all he could exclaim in utter surprise as he jumped out of bed to the Bathroom. It's Monday, first day of the class in the University and getting late on the first day of lecture in the University at that will be a major setback.

Yeah, it's short...I pretty much very tired when I wrote this, I will make it up for the next chapters when they'll be attending one University TOGETHER......

Keep tuned in! 

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