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Tap here to start writing <<< Da heck?

Hey guys, Its me ZykFier. I don't actually write about romance and things like that, let alone through the eyes of a girl, but I'm willing to try( Yep, I'm living the dangerous life ;D) so bear with me if you find this story ugh-worthy. Its okay if you don't want to read any further than this 'cause lets face it, free will I stand by thee!

Anyways, this page is all about copyright and stuff like that. I'm still pretty new to Wattpad and don't exactly know all the rules. Again, bear with me xD (I'm a bear) *ahem

Heck, here it goes *ahem* all the characters and plots in this story are fictional (except the celeb references :3) and came from my messed up mind. If any fact in this story somehow breaks the fourth wall and resembles something in real life, it is purely coincidental and not on purpose. Same goes if it resembles another author's work(No, I am not Rick Yancey *rolls eyes*) it is purely accidental.

I'm not a huge fan of plagiarism and I hope we don't get entangled with that eff**

Without further a do, I present to you, 'Fatty Meets Beast'!

-ZykFier (11/04/16)

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Don't be the shy cat, I've got the yarn, come out lets play!

Fatty Meets BeastWhere stories live. Discover now