Are You Leaving?

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Every story has that one cliché character.

Rachel's POV:

He brought me to Le Petite Pizzeria, which he claimed was owned by a friend of his. Because of that, he was considered a VIP here and got extra discounts and perks.

We ordered two large pizzas, both meatlovers, and I was barely containing myself from drooling at the spicy aroma that wafted in the small but cozy pizzeria. My stomach growled got the third time but it did not cease to amuse Nathan.

He was grinning but his eyes were trained on his phone. When the pizzas arrived, I restrained myself from jumping in the greasy, cheesy triangular pieces of temptation. I looked at Nathan who was still busy playing with his phone. His eyes are furrowed in deep concentration.

"Uh... Nathan?" I called him.

His head jerked up and I saw for the briefest of moments, a light of worry in his blue eyes. It instantly vanished and was replaced by serenity. I found that a little unsettling.

"Our food's here," I said, spreading my arms at the pizzas before us. I was salivating and my fingers twitched to snatched a piece off and greedily chew on the melty strings of mozzarella.

"You go on ahead," he said with a chuckle. What was so funny? Did he see my impatience?

He resumed texting on his phone and once again, his eyebrows were furrows. I stared down at the pizza and frowned. Suddenly, the pizza didn't look all that good.


I looked up and saw concern taint his handome face. Concern for me, "Are you not having a good time?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm totally having a good-" he cutt me off by picking up a slice of pepperoni-covered pizza and lift it to my mouth. I stared at him before tentatively took a bite. The melty cheese exploded in my mouth and the grease and spice of the pepperoni made me close my eyes in delight. I let out a small laugh of pleasure.


I reopened my eyes and saw Nathan take a bite from the same pizza. I nearly choked and he chuckled. Don't you know that by doing that, you are indirectly kissing me?

"Really?" He asked, his tone deceptively innocent.

I clamped my hands over my traitorous mouth and flushed. I looked up and he was still grinning at me. Please, universe, I need a divine intervention! Exactly after that, a girl slid beside Nathan and sling her arm around his shoulders.

I felt something rise inside if me. Something unfamiliar because I've never met the conditions to actually feel the emotion.

When I said intervention, I didn't mean this!

Nathan glanced at the girl and he rolled his eyes at her, "Hey Heather."

I recognised her instantly. Heather Maynard, the voice of our school. She was in charge of the PA and was also the school DJ. Because of that, her name was quite famous.

She fluttered her long eyelashes at Nathan and said in an over exaggerated drawl, "May I join you?"

Nathan sighed and shrugged, "Sure, why not?" He scooted sideways in his seat to allow Heather to sit beside him.

Heather picked up a slice and looked up with a surprised look on her face, "Who are you and when did you get here?" She asked me innocently.

"I'm Rachel," I replied in the sweetest tone I could muster. So, she didn't notice me when she barged in to ruin my time with Nathan, huh?

"I came here not too long ago," which was the truth.

Heather stared at me with an impassive look on her face. He lips were set in a straight line and her strawberry blonde hair fell behind her in a fabulous shiny curtain. She was pretty alright, but she looked quite dumb to me at the moment.

Stereotype, bitch!

"So... Are you leaving? She asks me.

My eyes widened and I looked at Nathan. He looked impassive but was looking at Heather with a palpable intensity. I returned my gaze at Heather and felt the urge to shove her face in the pizza. The nerve she had!

I smiled at her and got up from my seat, feeling really pissed at her. That, and the fact that Nathan was not doing anything to intervene, "I'm leaving now actually," I said.

I turned around and walked away just in time to hear her holler a goodbye at me. I felt relieved that she was away of my striking zone. That would not have been good for her silicon nose. Not really, her nose was naturally perfect.

I waited outside the mall and texted my mom to pick me up. My phone pinged a minute later.

Sure, honey, I'll be there in ten minutes :3 -mom

I thanked her and waited. As I waited, anticipation built up inside of me. I wanted Nathan to run up from behind me and apologize. When my mom did turn up, I deliberately walked slowly towards the car, giving Nathan some extra time to redeem himself. I stepped inside the car and looked at the mall entrance.

He wasn't anywhere near it.

"So how was the fun fair?" My mom asked me. Oh, yeah, I purposely didn't tell her about Nathan earlier.

I shrugged numbly, "Okay."

"That's cute," my mom says, pointing at the Latias necklace around my neck.

I touched one it gently and said without thinking, "Nathan bought it for me." I cringed at his name. Here comes the interrogation.

My mother glanced sideways at me with curious eyes, "Nathan?"

My opened and close as I searched for a reply. Finally, I just say to her, "He's a friend from school."

She nodded meaningfully and thank goodness, she didn't prod me for an elaboration. I sighed in relief. I so didn't have a backstory as to why he invited me to hang out at the mall.

My phone pinged with a notification. I scroll the screen down to see a message from Cinnamon Roll- Nathan. I glanced sideways and saw my mother focused on the road before her. I tapped the message open.

So sorry for what happened earlier I didn't know that Heather was at the mall... -Cinnamon Roll

I decided to ignore his text. I want to let him know just how pissed I was. I mean, who does nothing when some chick tells the chick you brought with you to leave when you're in the middle of eating pizza? If it was a salad party then maybe it was okay but pizza?!

My phone pings with another notification.

Don't bluetick me :( I know you're mad at me - Cinnamon Roll

I bit my lower lip as tried to fight back the urge to reply him. I was still mad at him alright but...

He sent me a picture of a sad face made of made of bits of pizza. I choked back a laugh and my mother eyes me suspiciously. I shook my head at her and she returned her attention in front of her. I tapped my reply right away. What the even Nathan? xD

:D - Cinnamon Roll

Okay, he got me.

So... That's a short filler for now. I'm starting to feel writer's block cloud my thoughts *screams* but I'll try to write as much as I can. Anyways, don't play with your food xD





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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