The Beast

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Rachel's POV:

They say you just have to be happy with yourself. That you don't have to be thin and pretty for a guy to like you. Easy for them to say since they're the ones on the magazine covers, looking very thin and very unnaturally beautiful themselves. I snorted as I read the beauty magazine I held in my hand.


I try very hard to ignore my 'flaws' but somehow the world always gets to me. The universe has a very crafty way of getting on my nerves. They send these 'Perfect' estrogen carriers to this once peaceful planet that was once only inhabited by 'Perfect' (mostly) testosterone tanks and us 'Less-than-perfect' estrogen suppliers. Yeah, sorry for being so harsh on the first few paragraph. Period.

I looked up from my magazine and checked my surrounding. Why's the cafeteria so empty? I looked down at my green wristwatch and cursed out loud, earning me a glare from the lunch lady. I nodded apologetically at her and hurriedly left the cafeteria heading towards class. I was ten minutes late for Math class!

Sadly, it didn't take long for me to run out of breath. My less-than-desirable body did its job of dragging me down. Again. But thankfully, my class was not that far away from the cafeteria.

Opening the door as slowly as I could, I peeped inside the classroom like a child afraid of getting caught for doing something bad. Like, for instance, eating your little brother's Oreos.

Lizzie, my best friend, turned around and made eye contact with me. She sat at the back of the class and I saw her, very slightly, tilt her head. Her eyes went to behind the door with my eyes in tow. Right beside me, a very angry (maybe even amused) Mr. Gerber stared at me with one foot tapping the tiled floor.

Tap, tap, tap...

"I see someone's finally found Disney Land. Care to join us Miss Williams?" His scratchy voice was thick with sarcasm.

I squirmed internally, unable to answer his question. Go away, go away, go away...

"Why are you late?" He continued, still looking at me. "Please don't tell me you still haven't gotten used to the school layout."

"I, uh-"Was reading the 'How to make yourself look like Taylor Swift' section. "-was reading a book."

Really, Rach? You flippin' moron!

He gave me droll stare that made me squirm even more. His gaze turned wicked when someone, probably Edward, at the front called. "She's late because she's got something dragging her down; excess weight!"

Too bad he wasn't Edward Cullen...

The entire class erupted in hysterical laughter. I heard someone repeat the earlier insult and I winced. I flushed and tears threatened to escape their sacs. Sacs. Yeah, I definitely felt like planting my foot into one. Maybe eleven even (the number of guys in my class).

Seeing my distress, Mr. Gerber turned to face the rest of the class, and like a proper teacher, told them to be quiet or he'll have us do extra homework. That shut them up to the equivalent of a pin dropped on a clay floor. He turned back at me and told me to get my butt on my seat.

I did.

Lizzie gave me a sympathetic look and gently squeezed my arm. "Don't mind those pigs, Rach."

"Believe me, they got me like Jelena." I lied. I turned around on my seat to take out my Math book and panic seized me. My bag wasn't there. S***, I must've left it at the cafeteria!

Not wanting to get into any more trouble, I played with my long, brown hair, thinking of a way to get out of class and get my bag. In the end, the only solution I came up with was the 'I need to go' excuse. Not my greatest feat, but hey, what have I got to lose?

Just as I began to raise my hand, the door opened behind me. I turned around and nearly combusted with flammable girl hormones when my eyes lit on the hottest guy I've ever seen. His luminous, dark blue eyes scoured the classroom. Like a predator.

His even darker blond hair fell down his forehead and he quickly swept it back up till it stood up, only to fall back down. Yep, the room was definitely getting hotter. I fanned my face and huffed.

I swear, his eyes locked with mine for a full minute. Those eyes, those blue, blue dangerous eyes of his...

"Who's Rachel?" He asked. How can someone sound so hot? Ugh. It took me a full minute to register his words. I looked around the class to see everyone, including Mr. Gerber, staring at me. I gulped and raised my hand. "I'm Rachel."

He looked back at me and without missing a beat, started walking towards my table. Help me!

"Is this your bag?" He asked, lifting up a very familiar bag. I watched intently as his biceps push against his sleeve as he lifted the heavy, knowledge stuffed burrito of a bag. And dang, he was tall. He was easily six or even more feet of pure lean muscles.

"Yes." It was my bag- it had my name and class tagged on it. "Thank you" I squeaked.

"No problem." He said with a smile on his handsome face. "See you." And with that he left the classroom, closing the door behind him like nothing out of the ordinary happened. Unless you made a girl want to turn into a puddle by a single look count as normal then yeah, everything was just fine.

I turned around to see the boys staring at me while the girls ogled at the door.

Never in my two weeks of high school have I felt this good.


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