The Storm Is Coming

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Rachel's POV:

I stared at the swinging cafeteria doors, shocked and- call me crazy -happy. Maybe thrilled even. What happened just a few moments ago was totally unexpected. Totally unreal. Like Cinderella's heels, totally unrealistic. I rubbed my hand and sure enough, it was still sore. So it was real.

Nathan defended me. Out of every guy in this school, Nathan stood up for me.

The mere thought washed away the pain from my hand and my skin tingled with giddy pleasure.

"What's that look mean?" Lizzie asked, frowning in worry.

"Nothing. It means nothing." I said innocently as possible. I turned around in my seat and saw everyone else staring at us. I began to panic again under the weight of their gazes when my other hero returned from the vending machine.

"Alright, people, nothing to see here." Xue clapped her hands together and told them to return to their own businesses. She sat down beside me and shot me a questioning look. "So, what I miss?"

I looked up at her, my eyes widening. "You seriously didn't notice the drama-llama?" Yeah, I'm in the Phandom.

She shook her head and opened her coke can. "Nope, you know I take my drinks seriously, girl. I allow only the finest to travel down my esophagus."

I snorted at her sciency words. "Riiight. But in the end you just got yourself a coke."

She wiggled the can in front of my face. "It's a diet coke, genius, kills you a lot slower than normal coke."

I brought my hands up in surrender and I stared at my untouched food. Kill. Nathan's words echoed in my mind, 'Don't come, unless you want to get hurt.' Over and over in my mind like a challenge.

I stood up and began packing my stuff. "Hey, guys, I'm going to class early."

"Whoa, I didn't know you were on a diet. I want in!" Lizzie said, rubbing her thin belly.

"Me too." Xue chirped.

I cast them a withering look and left the table. "Screw you guys!" I called.

That night, I stared at my phone screen. Its light, even after I set it to low, still manage to make my eyes twitch and water uncomfortably in my dark room. Nathan's contact was still in its place, just waiting for me to add it into my contact list. I sucked in a deep breath and held it in. I quickly added the contact to my contact list and, after making sure the world didn't end, released my breath.

Operation 'Add Nathan's Contact Number (ANCN)' completed. On to second operation: 'Thank Nathan for Defending Me (TNDM)'.

I started a new conversation with him and began typing:

Hey Nath, thanks for saving... *delete*
Heya Nathy! *delete*

What's up Na...*delete*

I am texting you this message to... *delete*

Dearest Nathan... *delete*

(Typo) *delete*

Senpai... *delete*

I groaned loudly at my stupidity and fell back on my pillow. Only, my head didn't hit my pillow; it hit the headboard. Rubbing my sore head, I cursed at my stupidity, again. This time, I slowly sank into my bed and held my phone above my hand. But being the butterfingers I am, it slid out of my hands and smashed into my face. This time I cursed the universe.

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