Chapter 3

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"It isn't that I'm not pleased she thinks I'm good, it's just that I don't really fancy a week stuck in the forest with Snape and Malfoy!"

"Harry, I don't blame you, but just think about it! Fifty house points and a commemorative plaque!"

"Yes, but…" with a sigh of resignation, Harry finally gave in to Hermione's enthusiasm.”I suppose I'll get through it somehow. I wish you and Ron were coming though."

"I don't," replied Ron. "No offence, mate, but a week with Slimy and Greasy? I'd rather eat a bludger."

"Thanks, Ron."

"If you ask me, it's an excellent opportunity." Hermione said primly. "I know Malfoy's a horror, but really, we are fifth years now after all, and in the circumstances…" she broke off. Both Harry and Ron were staring at her in amazement.

"I just think co-operation is a good idea, that's all." She finished lamely, and bent her head over an enormous book entitled 'Medium Level-Advanced-Basic Runes Translations for the Extremely Dedicated or Very Bored'. Harry heaved another sigh, and turned his attention back to the rucksack he was packing.

"I can't believe we're not allowed wands. A week with Malfoy and I won't even be able to curse him or anything."

"I should think not!" That was Hermione, of course.

"Thought you were studying," Ron told her. She scowled and returned to the tome.

"Anyway, Harry, it is pretty impressive, you being picked for this ultra- special task and all. It’s funny how McGonagall and Snape are running it though. You'd think Dumbledore would want to keep those two apart." Hermione looked up again.

"You really haven't guessed what's going on?"

"How'd you mean?"

"Well, it's obvious! This whole teamwork thing, it isn't just about you and Malfoy, Harry. I think it's Dumbledore's way of trying to get Snape and professor McGonagall to work together!"

 Ron gave a snort of laughter.

"That's something I wouldn't mind seeing! Bet you a Galleon they kill one another before a day's up…just kidding, just kidding."

"You're probably right though," said Harry glumly.

"Then again, might be fun, watching them fight it out."

"If something doesn't eat us all first. That's an idea though…feed Snape and Malfoy to Aragog."

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed, scandalised. "Surely you wouldn't try to sabotage the task?"

"Of course I'll be trying to sabotage it." Malfoy drawled, dropping into a dark green armchair in the Slytherin common room. "What's the point otherwise?"

"But you could get into awful trouble!" Cried Pansy Parkinson, who had been listening, rapt, as Draco explained the situation.

"No, I'll be getting Potter and that old cat McGonagall into trouble. Dumbledore won't be there, will he? And the professor will back me up. He always does." Pansy giggled.

"I bet it'll be fun." She said. "Especially if professor Snape gets the better of McGonagall."

"He always does," smirked Malfoy. He'd never forgiven McGonagall for punishing him for being out of bed during the night in his first year. Malfoy, a typical Slytherin, was definitely one to bear grudges for a long, long time.

"Do we have everything?"




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