Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

I have been on look out for Neal for the last couple weeks. I never told Emma that he threaten to hurt him. I just dont want her to feel unsafe with me.

"Killian? Where are you?" Henry asks.

"Not in the kitchen." I say.

When he walks in he taps my head.

"I found you." He says.

"Dang I thought I hid very well." I say.

"Nope." He says and laughs at me.

"Okay little bud wants some lunch?" I ask him.

He nods his head. I looked in the fridge and there was alot of vegetables.

"Yucky!" Henry yells.

"Wanna go get some pizza?" I ask him

"Pizza!" He screams.

"Okay go get a jacket on its freezing outside." I tell him.

He came back and I took him to the closest pizza place. I ordered the food and sat down. They say it down at our table and I gave Henry a slice.

"Yummy!" He says with food all over his face.

"Here let me clean you up." I say an whip down his face.

"Aww how sweet." A woman says.

"Uh yeah I guess." I say.

"So how old is your son?" She asks.

"Umm he isnt my son. He's my girlfriend's and he is almost three now." I tell her.

"Well your girlfriend is lucky to find someone to help her with her kid." She says.

"Yeah I guess so." I say.

After Henry and I finished eating we walked back home.

"Can we go to the park?" He asks.

"Im not sure your mommy will like that." I tell him.

"Then can we go see Violet and Roland?" He asks.

"I dont see why not. Do you wanna take my car, a cab, or the subway?" I ask him.

"I dont know." He says.

"My car it is." I say.

I set him in the carseat and drove him over to David's moms house.

"Killian, Henry, its so nice to see you." Ruth says.

"Yeah you too." I say.

"Henry. Violet and Roland are up stairs you can go play with them if you like." Ruth says.

"Thanks." He says and runs off.

"Your doing so well with him." Ruth says to me.

"Oh thanks. I try." I say.

"He really likes you." She says.

"For now." I say.

"Hey. What does that mean? If your saying he wont when he gets older then that must mean you want to stay with Emma for along time." She says.

"I do. I love her and him. I love them both very much." I tell her.

"I can see that, but I also see that its not time for that yet." She says.

"Very true. I mean Emma's great, but I cant drag her into my family without fixing things. She has a past she isnt ready to truly tell. Plus that Neal is out there somewhere we just cant do much of planning a future together yet." I tell her.

"I know sweetheart, but I want you to know you are family to me. If things with your family suck, Im right here for you, with Emma tell her that if she too doesnt like the family she has and truly wants to forget her bad past I will gladly put her in. As for that Neal tell Emma the truth let her help. That way she can truly put him out." She tells me.

"Thanks Ruth." I say and hug her.

"Killian! Killian!" Henry yells coming down.

"What is it? You hurt!" I say to him.

"No I want you to play with us." He says.

"Oh... Yeah sure." I say and go upstairs.

After a few hours of playing I took a very sleepy Henry home.

"What did you do to my son?" Emma asks when I walk in.

"Took him to play with Violet and Roland." I tell her.

"Well, you tired him out." She says.

"Your next Swan." I say and kiss her cheek.

I set Henry in his bed and sat next to Emma at the table.

"What?" She asks.

"Emma theres something I have to tell you." I say nervously.

"Is it about Neal threatening to hurt Henry?" She asks.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Well Belle told me that you were talking about it to David." She says.

"Then David told his blabber mouth wife." I say.

"Killian its okay. I know you were just protecting Henry, but I dont think Neal will really hurt him." She says.

"Swan, Im not sure about that. Its like he wants to so he doesnt lose money or something. Maybe you should stop child support on him." I say.

"Killian are you insane?" She questions.

"Babe please. I know he should, but I have a feeling he will hurt you or Henry if he has to pay. I dont want either of you to get hurt." I say.

"Killian listen to me. Neal wont hurt him. He left that was his choice and now he has to pay for it. If you think its all bad then maybe this isnt working!" She snaps at me.

"Swan, why are you acting so weird? Emma I love you Im not going anywhere. Im sorry I was just trying to help." I say and get up.

"Killian? Im sorry. Dont go." She says stoping me.

"Emma Im not leaving Im just going to the kitchen for a drink." I say.

"Oh." She says.

"Emma look at me whats the matter with you? Your acting like if Im going to run out on you." I say to her.

"Its nothing." She says.

"No there is something. Emma please talk to me. The last time you wouldnt I almost lost you. Please talk to me." I say putting my hands on hers.

"Your family hates you, my family doesnt even really like me, Neal is out there, we havent been together that long yet. Its to soon." She says.

"Emma whats going on?" I ask her.

"Killian.... Im Pregnant." She says.

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