Chapter 1: First Day of School

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"Wake up. Wake up, Jessica." I heard a voice telling me while I was sleeping. Peacefully might I add. I didn't want to wake up. I wanted to keep dreaming. Reality sure has great timing. Note the sarcasm.

Hmm. That's weird. I don't remember changing my alarm to my mother's irritating voice.

"Jessica! Wake up!" Ugh. God. Not again. Leave me alone, woman. I must've noticedu
Unsa yset my alarm. Maybe that's why she was waking me up at this ungodly hour. Gosh, I hate waking up early this obviously proves that I'm not a morning person.

"5 minutes." I begged. Please, please, please, just go away.

"Wake up or else you'll be late on the first day of school!" my mother said while shaking me. Well that wouldn't really be a bad thing. Hell, I'd skip the whole first day if I could. By now you can probably tell that I hate first days as much as I hate waking up at any time that's before 1pm. As far as I'm concerned the first day is just a load of crap. All you do is meet the same boring classmates and the same boring teachers. Talk about wasting a shit load of time.

"Okay. Okay. Just stop shaking me." I said in defeat. "I'm getting up."

As much as I didn't want to wake up from my dream, I really had to. Hello Reality. Well, I hate to admit it but I was a little bit excited to go to school. Just a little bit. If it weren't for the love of my life, I mean my crush I'd be at home wishing for a miracle to happen. Yeah, right. One way or another, I'd still be going to school.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned before getting up to get ready. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. While waiting for the water to turn hot, I walked back to my room and switched my iPhone 5 to the speakers. I turned Taylor Swift up as loud as it would go and jumped into shower.

After having my mini concert which consisted of 4 songs, I finally dressed up and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Hi Sweetie, you're right on time. Breakfast is ready!" My mom said.

Omg. Yes! Pancakes with maple syrup! "Thanks, mom." I smiled at her.

Just as I was about to finish my pancake A.K.A my little piece of heaven, my phone beeped. It was a text message from Sophie.

Sophie: I'm here.

"Bye mom." I said when I was on my way out.

"Take care, dear! Enjoy your first day!" Mom yelled. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, like that would happen.

"Jess! Right here!" Sophie shouted while waving her arms around like maniac.

As you can see, I'm riding with Sophie, my best friend. I ride with her because her house is just like five houses away. We're practically neighbors. A few things you should know about Sophie 1. She's really pretty. 2. She's hot and no I'm not lesbian 3. She's a fashion goddess. One thing you should know about me, I'm Sophie's total opposite. So everything that I mentioned about Sophie is me but the total opposite. Despite that fact, we always get along. That's why she's my best friend of course. We are the human example of opposites attract but in this case it's not romantically.

"Okay, okay. I see you already." I said so she'd stop waving her hands like a maniac. I walk towards her Mercedes Benz. Yes, she's rich too. Talk about killer combo.

"So how was summer?" She asked enthusiastically.

"It was normal, nothing amazing, really." I said.

"Jess! You better turn that frown upside down or else I'll do it for you! You wouldn't want that, now, would you." She said with a smile.

"Ewww, rhymes? Seriously, Soph. Rhymes?" I said while laughing.

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