Chapter 14: Curse that playboy

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So I finally arrived home. I was not in the mood for anything. Zach played me like a Nintendo game. Well, not specifically, but...hey, you totally get what I mean! Okay, back to my point. Ugh. Why was I so stupid? I need to be positive! On the bright side, I met my knight in shining armor - who is apparently the jerk's brother and total opposite.

Alex. Where have you been all my life?

Forcing myself to be optimistic worked as well as trying to cool yourself with a heater in the middle of the Sahara. It still freaking hurt. It was like I was played like a puppet on strings. He knew I liked him, or from what he said, 'was in love with him' but he still freaking played with my feelings.

I directly headed to my room. I couldn't stop it anymore. Tears were building up in my eyes. Be strong, Jess. Zach is an idiot. Don't waste your tears for that idiot. He's. Not. Worth. It.
I decided to take a shower to try and cool my head, and in the middle of my routine of connecting my phone to the speakers, I saw 5 messages and 8 missed calls.
4 messages from Zach wondering where I was. As if he cared. Stop playing, Mr. Player. I just hope Alex doesn't tell him a thing.
1 message from Soph asking how my project went with Zach.One word: horrible.
3 missed calls from Zach. I'm supposed to be jumping out of joy since my crush called me first, but apparently he just used me. Serves him right.

5 missed calls from Soph. I. Am. So. Dead. One thing you need to know about Soph is that she hates it when you ignore her calls. She hates it more than a pink Hermes with a tangerine Kors - that's like, saying something.

Because I feared for my already pathetic life, I directly called her. Thinking twice was out of the question. She picked up on the second ring. You'd think that's a miracle. You thought wrong.
My best friend was pissed.

"JESSICA ANNALI MORTON. Why the fuck didn't you answer your phone?!" She blared so inhumanly loudly I thought I'd gone deaf.

I was totally wrong: she wasn't pissed, she was more than pissed. She said my full name and she used the f bomb. That's something we have in common, we dropped the f bomb when we were freaking pissed.

"I'm sorry. I got distracted." I said, failing to hide a sense of sorrow in my voice.
"What's wrong? What did he do to you?" She asked calmly, that bipolar weirdo, but you can sense that she was worried.

"Nothing." I tried to convince her. I didn't want to ruin her Saturday night.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." She answered instead.
Yup, that's how my best friend rolls. She knows when something's up. One of the advantages of being neighbors with her is that I could always count on her when I need her since she's just five houses away.

I decided resume my interrupted shower before Soph arrived.After which - it was barely two Taylor Swift songs of Haunted and Forever and Always - I slid on to my pale baby pink pajamas and jumped to bed.




"Jess?" It was Soph.
"Come in." I didn't sit up.
"Want to talk about it?" She asked, sitting beside me.

"Just say it." I spat. God, it hurt so much just thinking about it, now I have to talk?

"Say what?" She asked like some innocent preschooler. Ha, as if.
"You can say it. You were right about him. Go ahead. Tell me,'I told you so.'" I just wanted to die in my baby pink pajamas at that moment when I felt a sting on my arm. "Ow! That hurt!"

"You know I'll never say that! You're my best friend, crazy!" She laughed. "And I'm sorry about that." She pointed at my arm, which was now red.

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