The Traveler

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Summary: Natalia and Jeffries take Cecil's radio team to a mountain, Carlos receives more requests from the City Council and the scientists consider an addition to their team.

"So what's the name of this person who wants to join us?" Ellie said with a mouthful of wheat-free tacos.

"Rachelle." Jeffries said, as Carlos looked through the CV that she'd given the team.

"She already lives here." Brent continued. "It seems that her mother is from Tennessee but her father is a Night Vale residen'. She moved here five years ago. She graduated from the community college las' year with a degree....wait, in 'Science'? You can' have a degree in just 'science'."

"Oh you can." Ellie said enthusiastically, accidentally sending a small piece of red pepper flying across the table. "Carlos has one."


"Yes." Carlos said matter-of-factly.
"It just means that you have a ph.D in all three core sciences. Biology, Chemistry and Physics. At some universities, you can group it as just 'science'."

"You can do that at ours?"

"Yes." Carlos grinned. "I said it as a joke originally. I think the board had been out drinking the night I asked, so they said yes. They couldn't take it back so they just left it. But it seems that in Night Vale, they're so dedicated to scientific opportunity that they actually have it."

"Wow. Well, what do we think?" Jeffries said.

"I say we inv..."

"Dr Green, please finish your taco before you speak again." Natalia grumbled, wiping a splatter of salsa from her top.

Ellie swallowed her mouthful and smiled at Natalia apologetically.

"Sorry. Anyway, I say we invite her along."

"Then it's settled. We'll schedule a meeting for her. Carlos, when do you have time to...?"

"Um." Carlos mused. "Two weeks time, I think?"

"Two weeks?!"

"The City Council have been throwing more things at me."

The team fell silent. They knew that Carlos couldn't refuse the City Council. But they did need the extra help or Carlos would end up killing himself through lack of sleep. It was an endless circle of difficulty whenever the Council were involved.

"Two weeks it is, then." Jeffries said. "But in th' meantime, we'll be helpin' ya out, Carlos."

"Rachelle Hower. Let's hope she's what we're looking for."

Natalia's phone started buzzing loudly. She pulled it out of her pocket. "Oh, it's Cecil. Hey, Cecil. What's up?....oh man, I completely forgot. Yep, we're on our way now. See you soon!"

Carlos looked at her with a questioning expression. "What's going on?"

"We're taking Cecil and a few interns to a mountain."

"Oh, geez." Jeffries groaned. "I forgo' about that too. I'm meant ta be goin'."

"Oh." Carlos said. "Can I come?"

"I'm not sure." Natalia said quietly. "Dr Green is staying behind. Maybe stay and get some R&R."

Carlos sighed. He supposed that they were right.

"I'll make you lemon cake and handle the Council." Ellie said enthusiastically, thankfully without a mouthful of taco. "Um...wheat and gluten free of course."

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