The Sandstorm

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Summary: A vicious sandstorm hits the local area and the team are split apart. Whilst Ellie and Jeffries have trouble with the doppelgängers in Night Vale, Carlos and Natalia make startling discoveries in Desert Bluffs.

Note: This chapter contains blood and a bit of violence, so if that is a trigger warning for you, then be careful. Chapter Text

"See you later, then."

Dr Ellie Green waved to Carlos and Natalia as Carlos' car sped off into the distance.

"Wish I was going." Ellie said.
"Change of scene, y'know?"

"Ah, well, we can' be picky." Jeffries laughed. "Besides, the new girl'll 'ere any minute. We can handle her."

"I can handle anything. Well...except spiders." Ellie shivered. "Let's get inside. Cecil's radio show is on early this morning..."


"I wonder what it will be like." Natalia mused as their car sped down Route 800. "Turn up the radio, Cecil's on."

"You might not be able to get reception in Desert Bluffs, you know."
Carlos said doubtfully.

"Until then..." Natalia said. "Let's listen to your boyfriend."

"He is NOT-"


"...City Council announced moments ago that a sandstorm will be arriving Night Vale in just a few minutes. They apologise that they did not announce this sooner, but they just kind of let their morning slip away from them..."

"A sandstorm?!" Natalia exclaimed. "What do we do?"

"It's a scientific matter I have yet to investigate..."

"So you don't know."


"Great. Look, let's just turn up the radio. Cecil may for once give some helpful advice."

"I think his advice is often quite good...well, maybe sometimes. Not all of them are scientif-"

"Carlos. Listen."

The radio was buzzing strangely, making strange noises.

"The sandstorm is projected to be the largest in decadesssssssss...buzzzzz...."

Cecil's voice faded. Natalia whacked the dashboard where the radio station frequency was displayed.

" that a sandstorm is moving in toward us." An overly cheery high-pitched voice said.
"Authorities are telling us that it is a doozy, and that we should all stay indoors. Nothing to worry about! Just stay out of the way. It will pass. As with life, and as will all things, it will pass. The sun will be upon us again, and it will be like two mornings in a day. Yes! A two-morning day! A rebirth. A reawakening. What do you think of that, Desert Bluffs?"

"What the heck is this?" Natalia scoffed. "It sounds like....well it sounded like a radio station that used to be available when I was a kid. The guy who ran it was a total stoner."

"Hypothesis." Carlos mused. "Desert Bluffs must have a community radio station. And this is that radio station."

Natalia looked up from the car's radio controls as they rounded a corner to see a new view. The view of a town bathed in golden light.

They had reached Desert Bluffs.


Dr Brent Jeffries, as a geologist, could safely say that he knew a decent amount about sandstorms.

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