The Retirement Of Pamela Winchell

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Summary: The scientists consider some opportunities, the women of the team make an odd discovery and Carlos investigates a singing cactus.

"Okay, meetin' time everyone!" Jeffries called. The team immediately dropped what they were doing and made their way towards the communal area. The sound of Dr Green tripping echoed slightly across the lab as the team took their seats around the table. Jeffries pulled out his notepad and began to flip through it.

"This should be a relatively short meetin'. I need reports from everybody 'bout th'status of their investigations as well as their thoughts on somethin' I am gonna propose."

"What proposal?" Natalia asked with interest.

"You'll see in a moment. Righ', Dr Green, report?"

"My new blood samples from the strange animal that we found outside the Night Vale petting zoo is coming along well, though I have yet to identify the species. It is possible that it could be a hybrid of some kind, like the spiderwolves. Pretty cool, right?!" Ellie's azure blue eyes sparkled at the thought of discovery. Jeffries nodded and moved on to Dave.

"Well, the gelatinous ooze that we found in that muesli in the Carter household contained a high levels of magnesium for some reason. I am glad that they called us when they did or it may have combusted pretty soon. Maybe we should call Cecil so at some point to get the word out on that."

"Noted. Hower?"

"Still working on getting the hospital to let me examine people that have come down with throat spiders."

"Yes, we will definitely have to do somethin' about that. Johnson?"

"There have been anomalies in the gravitational field around the drawbridge construction site. I got a call about it yesterday morning. The Mayor is keen for me to check if it's going to be alright. After all, I am one of the only qualified physicists in this town now that Carlos has left and Dana wishes that someone from our team go and have a look."

"Fantastic. I myself have been workin' on some of the rocks that fell out of the doors to the Desert Otherworld. Quite fascinatin' composition." He scratched his beard in thought, before turning back to the team in front of him. "Now, I would like to ask several questions if that's okay."

"Shoot." Ellie replied, leaning her elbows on the table.

"The first question is would anybody like to pursue a project of scientific interest to them over the coming weeks?"

Natalia looked at Ellie in dread; she knew what the bubbly biochemist was going to say before she said it.

"I would like to continue to study Hiram McDaniels' biochemical attributes. He is a very fascinating and charismatic individual and I wish to understand more about him!"

"Dr Green, we have talked 'bout this! Carlos has also talked to you about this! It is incredibly dangerous to go near a five headed dragon!" Jeffries sighed. "Especially one tha' has just basically declared war on our town because he failed to become the mayor."

"But he is biologically intriguing!"

"I-" Rochelle began.

"The answer is NO, Ellie." Brent's voice was raised for the first time in a long time. Most of the team stared at their feet. Brent wasn't one to lose his temper easily. He was always so zen. Ellie gritted her teeth and pushed her chair back, rising to her feet.


She turned on her heel, curly haired ponytail flicking like a whip as she stormed off.

"Ellie!" Natalia called after her. She was only answered by the slam of the main door of the lab. A few quiet moments passed as the team exchanged awkward glances, before the hum of an engine could be heard as Ellie's car went past the window at a speed that would probably get her a traffic violation.

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