Joi4 X Reader - Date Mess: Part 2

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As promised here is part 2! If you haven't yet, check out chapter 1 to understand the context of the story.

This chapter is gonna be more around Takasugi X Reader, hope you guys like it!


Your first "date" was with Takasugi. He was realy handsome and inteligent, so you were sure that he would give you a good time. Or at least you hoped for it....

He decided to take you to a ridiculously expensive bigshoot restaurant, so you were actually pretty excited since you never had the opportunity to frequent places like that.

On the way there, people just kept pointing at you and commenting how good looking your "suposed boyfriend" was. It seemed so strange to even thinking about it that way, but you couldn't help but blush a little with just the thought.

Takasugi quickly caught wind of that and smirking confidently, asked if he could hold your hand. He had always been more of a man of action than words, so the fact that he would make the "first move " would be expected. Yet, you felt like it was a bit sudden, since you hadn't come to terms that what you were doing was actually a true date. Nonetheless, you still took him in his offer and accepted his hand.

Meanwhile, without you two noticing, your moronic friends (Sakamoto, Gintoki and Katsura) were watching and starting to feel a little annoyed of how easily Takasugi was putting moves on you and how eager you seemed to accept them.

The date looked perfect: fancy place, good food (yes, you were enjoying stuffing your face with Takasugi's money) and the ambiance was realy calm and surrounded by a romantic atmosphere with other couples.

Well, it seemed perfect at least... But still, there was one crucial thing ruining the mood: your companion. Takasugi just kept glaring at you the entire time, not bothering to start a conversation. You knew it was kinda part of his personality, but he could at least try to supress it a little. I guess he wasn't as satisfied with the idea of you ruining his wallet, as you were.

After some time passed, the people around you started staring and commenting, but it wasn't in a good way like a few moments ago. They kept making comments like how gloommy the atmosfere surrounding you was and how you and your "lover" would break up soon.

You weren't sure how much longer you were gonna take it , since your nerves were on edge and were starting to get the better of you. You weren't really up to get couple counseling with your fake boyfriend, but everyone else seemed to think that was the best course of action.

You did your best to ignore it, but unfortunatly, time kept going and the comments didn't get any lower, on the complete opposite, becoming louder and meaner.

You and Takasugi were both starting to get realy angry. You even had matching scowls now.

The worst part was the laughs of your comrades, on the other side of the room, hidden behind some tables. By that time, you and your purple raven haired friend had already noticed their presence and you were both ready to give them hell.

It was almost impossible not to hear Gintoki and Katsura laugh their butts off with the situation, bug it was Sakamoto's characteristic laugh, astronomically loud, like always, that triggered your explosion. When his laughter begun echoing throught the room, you just completely snapped.

In less than a second, you grabbed the nearest plate and sent him flying through the air in the direction of the dorks who you called friends.

Zura was the first to get hit. To avenge him, Gintoki grabbed the plates of a random nearby table and started throwing them in your direction as well.

To bad for him, his aim wasn't as good as yours, so instead of hitting little old you, he he scored right in the middle of the face of one of the people who had been making fun of you and Takasugi. You wouldn't ever admit it to anyone, but you felt bad you weren't the one who got yo throw that plate.

After that, a food battle took place. The batle was pretty one sided though, since it was the Shiroyasha and his two companions against you.

It was like the three childish men didn't hit anything, the problem was that they hit everything (specially bystanders) except their actual target, you. In their defense, you were pretty good at dodging them. It was a reflex from the War. But every time  you did so, someone who the plate wasn't meant for, was hit and consequently that person didn't stood by and joined the fight as well.

After ten minutes, the entire restaurant was on it and there wasn't a single client who wasn't covered in food. The fancy place was a in complete chaos and had turned into a mess.
The waiters tried to stop everyone, but they gave up once they saw the fire on the eyes of the people, not to mention the majority of them that actually joined in on the fun.

There where even some people who made a barricade with the tables to protect themselves.

Things had been pretty crazy, but the tides truly turned when Taksugi joined the fight. You knew you could count on the Kihentai Commander to have your back, so there was nothing to worry about. Takasugi himself was pretty used to throw stuff at the idiot's heads so it was an easy win.

Once you two got tired of massacrating your buddies you decided to leave.

The restaurant was completly destroyed and there was some waiters crying in the corner, but surprisingly you and Takasugi were feeling incredibly happy while you dragged the boddies of your knocked out friends home. Somehow you two had bonded a lot with all of this.

The date had been a total success.

So what do you guys think? Hope you liked it.

Feel free to request or send suggestions!☺️

The next part is gonna be with date number 2!

Gintama X Reader (One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora