Okita Sougo X Reader [Lemon] - Maid Cafe

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Requested by: Potatoking09

Thanks so much for requesting!❤️❤️❤️

But seriously why does everyone keep requesting lemons?! No matter how many I write I still think I suck at it...😅😅😅

Anyways, I hope you'll like it! I did my best to be loyal to your original suggestion!

Have fun, you bunch of pervs!😆


You were o normal girl that used to live in Bushuu, but thanks to your lack of money you ended up moving away from your hometown to live in Edo, in search of new life opportunities.

At first you thought you would never fit in in such a weird place full of Amanto and all kinds of crazy events happening all the time, but after a few months you adjusted pretty well.

You had to admit though that you hadn't conquered your life in the city all by yourself. One of the main reasons that you had been able ti adjust so well was thanks to the help of the Shinsengumi. Specificly of one man, Okita Sougo.

The truth was that at first he didn't wanted to help you at all, he had been forced by his superiors and he was just as sadistic to you as to everyone else around him, but as time went by he began taking a liking to you and you became pretty close.

Since you were from the same hometown, he actualy sympathized with you and helped you in everything he could, as much as that sounds out of character for him.

After all that time getting to know each other, he asked you out and now you were currently dating. The sadistic prince certainly wasn't perfect, but you loved that about him.

The only problem you actualy saw in your relationship was that you thought that you were far to dependent on him.

Since you came to Edo, you had managed to find a house, but you still hadn't a job and that bothered you. You didn't wanted to always rely on your boyfriend when you needed money. The first reason you had changed homes was to gain money, so you couldn't just forget your purpose out of the blue.

You began to look for jobs, but that turned out a lot more difficult than you expected. It seemed like there weren't almost any job offers around. Thankfully, you managed to found one.

The problem now, was that you weren't very sure if Okita would like it if he found out what kind of job it was. You had managed to find work as a waitress in a maid cafe. And you were pretty sure Okita wouldn't aprove of his girlfriend cosplaying for a bunch of otakus.

Because of that you decided to keep it a secret from him.

Unfortunatly, that was a very hard and almost impossible. You cursed yourself for not picking a painter or a teacher as your man, after all hiding secrets from a sly policeman like Okita was probably one of the hardest things you had ever done.

And just as expected he didn't took him very long to catch on that you were starting to dissapear way to often.

One day he decided to follow you and using his skills as a Shinsengumi officer, he almost easily found your work place.

Words couldn't be used to describe his state of mind, when he saw you in a maid uniform being eyed by a bunch of men and the fact that he witnessed one of the man trying to see your underwear, when you bent down to catch something, didn't help him calm down either.

Gintama X Reader (One Shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora