Ch 3

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A/N- Greetings earthlings! I'm very sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've honestly been busy and had other things going on. Well, here's the chapter

Tony's P.O.V.

   "Ow! What the fuck?!" I yelled. I get off the floor and rub my body. That really hurt. "Sorry Tone, but that was the only way to get you to wake up." "By pushing me off my bunk?!" "Exactly." He said seriously. Apparently we couldn't hold it in any longer and both erupted into laughter. "What time is it?" I shout. "It's twelve." He shouts back. Ugh, time to get ready. I grabbed a red rebel eight shirt, black jeans, black converse, and a black and red rebel eight snapback. I went into the bathroom and instantly regretted it.

   Right in front of was a half naked Mike Fuentes. All he had on was a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. I squealed with wide eyes, his looking back at me in embarrassment, and I rapidly closed the door. Why? Why did this have to happen to me? I waited patiently on the couch. He got out of the bathroom and acted as if nothing happened. I walked up to him and whispered "Sorry." "Don't be. We have the same parts and are on tour so it was bound to happen." He said calmly. I smiled back shyly and grabbed my things. I went in the bathroom, took off all my clothes, and started the shower. Once the water was nice, I stepped inside.

After washing my hair and body, I couldn't help but think about Mike. The way he looked so sexy in a towel. His hair all wet, and those water droplets on his chest and stomach. Oh my fuck he is the literal meaning of sexy. As I thought more about him, I felt my member twitch a little. Oh hell no, not now. I immediately whispered to myself "People kicking puppies, dead babies, naked grandmas." I know all of that was horrible, but it got it to stop.

   I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I got dressed into my clothes and went to go grab my flat iron. I got it, went back in the bathroom, and ironed my hair. I made sure to braid a small section of my hair, and I was done. I stepped out and saw everyone on the couch. "So, when's sound check?" I asked to nobody in general. "In an hour." Jaime replied. I just nodded and sat on the couch. For the next hour I played some games on my phone and posted some pictures saying that I'm ready for tonight's show. Tonight is gonna be amazing since it's the first show of the tour and I can't wait. "Time to go to sound check guys." Vic said. We all left the bus and went to sound check.

Right now Jaime, Vic, and I are tuning our guitars to make them sound perfect, while Mike was making sure all the sounds on his drum kit sounded right. After that, our manager came in and told us we had to get to the stage already. We all got up, and went backstage. The tech guys were putting Mike's drums on stage. All of us were stretching. All we hear is "Pierce The Veil." Being chanted. "You guys are on! Go!" Our manager said. First Mike ran on stage and the crowd went wild. Then I ran on stage and holy shit there's a lot of people here. Then come Jaime, then Vic. All of us smile while Vic pumps up the crowd with a short speech. "Are you ready Pomona?!" Vic shouted into the mic. The crowd went wild. All of us are smiling because right now, we feel like we're on top of the world. And at Vic's signal, we started playing Bulletproof Love. Everyone was screaming and singing along. This is amazing. After playing Bulletproof Love, Bulls In The Bronx, May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep/Hell Above, Besitos, and King For A Day, we started playing Hold On Till May.

"Guys, before we start this song, we'd like for our friend Isabelle to get up here! She has blue hair and is short! Guys! Can you help Isabelle come up here?!" Then, the crowd split up and cleared some space for her to walk up here. We see her get on stage and she is smiling like crazy. She gave all of us a hug. Then, Vic asked her if she could sing Lindsey's parts and she nodded. Then the song started.

"If I were you I'd put that away. See you're just wasted and thinking 'bout the past again. Darling, you'll be okay. And she said." Vic sang as the whole crowd sung with him. Then came Isabelle's part. "If you were me you'd do the same. 'Cause I can't take anymore, I'll draw the shades and close the door. Everything's not alright, and I would rather..." Isabelle's voice is amazing! Wow she can sing! The whole crowd cheered for Isabelle. As the song ended, Vic told her that she could watch the rest of the show side stage with her mom. She hugged all of us again and ran off. After a few more songs we were done. We said our goodbyes to the crowd. Jaime threw his pick into the crowd and a guy caught it. Mike threw both drumsticks in different directions and two girls caught them. Vic threw his pick and a guy that looked about thirty caught it, but when he did, he gave it to a girl that looked about ten that was standing next to him, and she hugged him. Awww I think that was his daughter. Then, I threw my pick and a girl caught it but another girl ran next to her and punched her in the face and took it. I felt so bad. I shook my head at the evil teenage girl. I jumped off the stage and
went to the barricade where the poor girl was at. I went up to her and said "Here, you can keep this." I have her my snapback and she immediately put it on her head. She said thanks to which I smiled, and ran off stage to go meet the other guys.

"Aww that was sweet." Isabelle said. I just smiled. As I turn around, I see a shirtless Mike pouring water on himself. Oh my fucking God. If that wasn't the meaning of sexy, then I don't know what is. Apparently, I was staring because next thing I know I have a hand waving in my face and hear someone say my name. "Tony!" I hear which makes me snap out of it. "Are you alright?" Jaime says. "Yea.." I respond. "I'm going to the bus. Later." I say and he nods. I head towards the bus and get in. I lay in my bunk with my computer on. I go onto Tumblr and log on to my account which is •Perrentes-Is-Real•

   I know I know, it's really creepy that I have an account about our ship but I just can't help it. I keep it anonymous though, can't have anyone finding out. I post a picture of Mike and caption it "He's totally Tony's perfect match" I'm extremely popular on Tumblr so I get a bunch of likes immediately. After a while I turn off the computer and think. It's been a whole year since I've first has a crush on him. I can't let him find out though. He's as straight as a ruler. Ugh, life isn't fair. None of the guys know I'm gay though, I've kept that a secret since I started liking Mike. I just sigh loudly and lay there. Why can't he like me? Oh well, it'll never happen so I can just dream.

   It's already one in the morning and the guys aren't here yet so they're probably at a club. I change into my pajamas and go to sleep. Oh Mike, why can't you be mine?

Who Would've Thought?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt