Chapter 1

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"Korinna, get down here," my father demanded from downstairs. I exited my room and hopped down the stairs. A sigh escaped my mouth as I glanced at the man I called Father. He was on the old, stained couch with beer cans scattered around him.

  "Where's your mother?" He slurred as he caught a glimpse of me.

  "She's not here," I stated.

  "Well, then where is she?" His voice rose and his eyes squinted.

  "She's not here."

  His face pinched up and I knew he finally remembered where she was, "It's all your fault!"

  "How is it my fault she's gone, Dad?" I stressed the word 'Dad'.
He's never told me so bluntly that it was my fault that she was dead, but tonight he did chug a few more beers than the normal amount.

  "You killed her!" He cried in rage.

  My calm demeanor never faltered, "Well, it's not my fault I had to be born. It's not my fault you got her pregnant. It's not my fault she had me. And it surely isn't my fault she died while having me."

  "It's your fault!" He bellowed in anger as he struggled to stand. He stumbled off the couch and out of the door.

  The white pickup truck roared to life and speed out of the drive way. "It's all my fault," I whispered to myself flabbergasted. How could he blame me, I didn't have a say in the choice of being born and in the process, taking my mother's life.

My feet dragged me to my room. The light blue walls welcomed me and the bed invited me in, but I walked to my closet.

The shoebox was hidden behind a rack or raggedy clothes in the back of my closet. The edges were slowly wearing away and the blue and red colors were fading. I lifted the top off and peeked inside. My mom's necklace was in a small clear bag, my grandmother gave it to me before she died. It had a small diamond hanging from a gold chain.

In the box, I kept a few items that I received from my grandparents. A few of my mom's pictures, the necklace, some roses from her funeral, and a few small things. The roses were a dark brown color, but they were once white. White was pure, just like my mother was.

I grabbed one of the pictures and studied it. My mother smiled as she held up her graduation cap while wearing the matching dark blue gown. Her smile was happy. My grandmother told me she was always a positive girl. Everything I knew came from my mom's mother.

My eyes became blurry as I looked at her smile. Guilt was eating me alive, just like it had been for the last sixteen years. I had a huge part in her death. It was my fault she was dead. Of course, I always denied it, but deep down I always accepted responsibility. She didn't ask to be killed while having me. Sobs escaped my mouth as I continued blaming myself.
"Buzz," my phone vibrated, ending my pity party. It buzzed again, signaling it was a phone call.

"Hello?" I choked out.

"Hi, may I speak to Korinna Fisher?" A squeaky feminine voice spoke.

"This is Korinna," my voice croaked out.

"Miss Fisher, your father has been in a wreck and is currently in ICU. We need you to come as soon as possible," the women informed me.

  I gulped, "Yes ma'am. I'm on my way." I dropped everything and jogged out of the house.

  I was gasping for air by the time I reached the hospital. "I'm here for Jack Fisher," I told the lady at the front desk.

  She pointed to a door with a small window, and told me I would have to wait in there. I scurried to that room. A few chairs and sofas were scattered around the room.

  I walked to a random couch and laid down. I hope he just ran into something and not into another person. I closed my eyes and prayed that my father was going to be alright. I let my hands fall to my sides and soon felt my self falling asleep.

** So what do you guys think??? Thanks FOBsessed_killjoy8 for making the cover!! And guys check out my other book if you like, but it isn't a fan fic!!**

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