Chapter 22

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  The guys arrived soon after I received their text. The first thing I did was show them my wall. They were all happy to be in my collage. The guys especially liked the photos of us performing. Those were also some of my favorites.
  After they finished looking at my wall, we went downstairs and found a movie to watch.
  Thomas left to talk with Livey, I warned against actually going into her room, but he brushed it off. Since he ignored my warning, I offered back up and told him to just yell if he needed me. Tom gave three me a thumbs up as he jogged up the stairs. I silently wished him luck as his footsteps disappeared.
  Halfway through the movie, the pizza we had ordered finally arrived. I paused the movie and got the pizza.
  My friends pounced on the boxes like a hungry pack of wolves. We had finished a box of pizza when Tom finally came back downstairs. He had a deep frown on and refused the offer to eat.
  "Are you sick?" My hand flew to his forehead to check his temperature.
  He smacked my hand away, "I'm fine. Livey's just aggravating me."
  I pulled my hand back, "Ahh, I understand. The bat has been ignoring me for 3 months. Hasn't been out of her cave unless everyone's in their rooms."
  Brax changed the topic, "On a happier note, we have an important question." I saw Tom's mood brighten at the mention of this question.
  "Can I ask her?" Zack jumped up and begged.
  "No, I want to ask her!" Jack pushed Zack out of the way.
  "Would you join the band?" Tom ignored them and got straight through their arguing.
  I let out a small laugh, "Y'all didn't need to ask! You could've said, 'You're in the band, now let's go burn some stuff', and I would've just shrugged and followed."
  The twins giggled and jumped on me, "A little help here." Waving my hands, I motioned to the big oafs on top of me. Brax and Tom each grabbed and twin and pulled them off. "Let me go make sure this is good with Andy."
  I ran to Andy's room, "Andy!"
  "The guys want me to join Dusty Roses. I just wanted to make sure it was all right with you," I explained why I sounded so urgent. 
  The band was really important to me. The members were my best and only friends, not counting Fall Out Boy, of course, and I've always wanted to be in a band. No one knew that, but it was a secret of mine since I was little.
  Andy thought over the idea for a few moments, "You can because I know you really want to, but one slip up from you or the guys and you're out, got it?"
  "Thanks, Andy!" I jumped up and down as I hugged him. I gave his cheek a kiss and then ran back downstairs.
  "I'm in!" I yelled before I even got back into the living room. I somehow ended up at the bottom of a dog pile, slowly running out of oxygen.
  We planned a practice, not setting a particular date. We also decided that I would dig and sometimes play a little guitar. I wanted to take pictures when I wasn't doing either. They insisted for me to be in the action the whole time, but I declined and told them my plan.
  Apparently  they really liked that idea. The movie was never finished. It was forgotten in the excitement. No one actually cared to see who would get be girl and be the hero in the end.
  Wohoooo, Kor's in the band now!! I have no idea why I wrote these chapters so short, but I plan on my next being longer.

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