Your new demons

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The exwires were sitting in class waiting for their professor, confusion spread across their face as Mephisto walked in instead. "Greetings! I have some very interesting news my lovely pain in the asses, around midnight I want all of you to show up in front of the school. There you will meet your new students." He said with a smirk on his face. "Oh really? Why do they get a grand entrance? Why can't they just-" Suguro was cut off by Mephisto, "The students you are going to meet are very special. Unlike anyone you've ever met or will ever meet. I would advise you to bring your weapons. Things work differently where they come from."

He started heading towards the door, putting his hand in his pocket for his phone. "Remember, midnight tonight at the school entrance. Come armed and hold your tongues when you arrive. Have a lovely day!" He left the room, the Exwires felt a mix of confusion and curiosity. What made the new guys so special?


When the exwires arrived they saw exorcists everywhere with every weapon possible. "What the hell is going on? We're supposed to meet the new student here," Surgo asked looking around. "We are here because of those students. Didn't Mephisto tell you who they are?" Before any of exwires could answer they saw something forming on the ground and people began to back away with their weapons ready in their hands.

The Gehenna gate appeared and darkness started to spill out of it. Two human like figures along with two bigger demons rose. All but the Exwires, the high class exorcists, and a priest hidden in the distance stood still as the rest of the amateur's fingers trembled against a trigger. When Mephisto's shadow appeared they started to talk. "Master, why are we here? On this disgusting and pathetic world" a demon said, a chain and collar around its neck. A lower class demon, a poor soul damned to holding bags for the rest of eternity.

"Rin, you close the gate...I'll take care of them. Careful though, you scare a human well enough they might shit their pants and run screaming to the hills. Wouldn't want to miss the opportunity of a fun show now would we?" A brunette boy with pale skin, no older than an Exwire, said to "Rin", a boy with similar but not identical looks. Twins, everyone assumed. The twins both chuckled, a pointy grin formed across their faces. Rin went to the gate and revealed a dark mark on his wrist that glowed a bright blue as he used some kind of magic to close the gate. Yukio, the other brother, snapped his fingers making the demon servants burst into blue flames then crumbled to ash. The Exwires chests were filled with fear by then.

"How could they have blue flames? There is two of them so they're not Satan how-, how could there be-...oh God" Shima said as he started to walk toward the back of the group. "T-they can't be...t-that's not p-possible...". Mephisto got off of his chair, ordering for the exorcist to leave but the Exwires to stay. "Say hello to your newest class mates! Rin and Yukio Okumura, the sweetest little angels you will ever meet. If you haven't noticed they are the spawns of Satan himself. The powers of a witch and a demon is what makes them so unique, and the unique deserves the most grandest of entrances. Now don't worry if they try to kill you I've already taken care of that with a deal." Mephisto's words were laced with sarcasm in certain parts and ended with a wink. He started walking towards the young demons and started talking.

The Exwires were frozen; they couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't think. Questions flew into the air the longer they stood by and watched. Why would Satan let his sons go to a school for exorcist? Their mother was a witch? Wasn't she the daughter of some bishop? What kind of deal did they make?Rin and Yukio started coming closer and closer with their demon eyes glowing blue in the dark.

"If I knew humans were so fragile I would've brought myself a better punching bag." The small joke from Rin made his brother smile. "What if we just played with them? If they die, they die. We can always get a new one. Besides stabbing gets boring, I'm sure we can figure something out." Yukio replied, they talked as if there wasn't a crowd staring at them in horror. "We can shoot them out of a canon, maybe we can hot wire a care and go full speed into a line of them-", Rin was interrupted.

"Mephisto what the hell?! Why would you let someone like them come here?! Do you really think they came here because they want to be a exorcist?! They have a plan or something! Do you not know what they are capable of?!" Voices talked over other ones, each question desperate to be answered.
"Oh I'm sorry motherfucker are we being rude?" Rin's voice was heavily dipped in annoyance, in a blink of an eye his fist swung across Suguro's cheek.

"Interrupt me again and I'll take your bones home as a souvenir." Rin put his foot on his back, pressing down as hard as he could without breaking anything. Yukio chuckled as he spat on Suguro's face. No deal could convince them to offer kindness toward a species they've loathed all their life.

"Yukio, I'm bored. Let's go do something." Rin said, "...wanna go find a few gangs? If they're an easy kill we can at least get some cocaine out of it." Yukio and Rin shared a look then nodded. Flames shot from their feet as they headed toward the closest city. In just a few seconds they were gone.

When they left there was nothing but silence. Without a promise for an answer for their questions their was no use in wasting their breath. Mephisto let out an amused sigh, the smile on his face never faltering. "Everything you are asking will be answered soon. Now go home and get some rest, a very big day is ahead. Shiemi, on your way home can you tell Shiro Fujimoto to come as quickly as possible to my office?" Shiemi was still a little shaken up from what just happened but she nodded. "What do I tell him?" She asked as her friends started walking away.

"Tell him we have a forgotten wager we need to get back too."

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