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"Rin I need to speak to you." Yukio left the room so his brother and his father can talk. "You understand that everything I do is so I can make your mother happy and you stronger, correct?" Rin nodded putting his hands in his pockets. "Then you need to understand me when I say this. You are getting to close those exorcist in training. They are making you weak." Rin looked down at the floor and clenched up his fist. "Rin if you really want this plan to work I need you to keep a distance between them."  Rin remained quiet before saying "and what if I refuse?" Satan chuckled at his response. "If you refuse? Well then I will never give to you what you want most." He bent down to get to Rin's level. "Your wings," Rin's heart stopped and his breathing hitched. "I'll give them back if you do exactly what I say. Deal?"

"Rin! Hey come on we have to go!" Rin snapped out of his trance and continued to follow his brother to shiemi's garden. "Why are we going to this stupid garden?" Rin asked running his hand through his hair. "I need to get this special kind of plant here for this bomb I'm making." Yukio replied making Rin laugh. "What kind of bomb needs a plant?" "A smoke bomb, we're gonna set it off in the middle of the campus so it can really be a high school." The twins laughed at there plan as the stood in front of the gate. They didn't even touch it but the gate fell apart, leaving the twins to see that shiemi set up a little party with the other  exwires.

"Shiemi look I know you have a lot of faith in these guys but I really don't feel comfortable being around them." Shima said putting his hand on shiemi's shoulder. Shiemi just smiled and said "just give them a chance! You're going to love them once you get to know them! They don't know it yet but they are adorkable!" Bon looked at her with confusion. "Adorkable?" "Yeah! I notice some slang words are some mashed together so I made up my own! Adorable dorks!" Shiemi saw that the twins arrived and smiled at them.

"I'm so glad you came! The garden is prettiest during spring time!" Yukio just rolled his eyes shoving his hands in his pocket and Rin did the same. Every time their foot touched the ground it left a scorched foot print behind. "Is it just me or is this place really bright?" Rin asked rubbing his eyes. "I don't know maybe it blinds her from how lonely she is." The twins chuckled and shiemi popped up in front of them. "I have so much to show you!" She grabbed their hands surprisingly not burning her own. The exwires stared at the twins with a confused look. Why are they being so kind to her? Why aren't they taking everything she loves? What are they up to?

After Yukio got the plants he needed he met Rin under the cherry blossom tree. Both of them watched the petals slowly fall from the tree.

It may sound as boring as watching paint dry but it wasn't. Watching the petals gracefully dance in the wind before gently touching the ground was relaxing.

Shiemi smiled at them while she was preparing some tea. The exwires sat next to shiemi trying to convince her that trusting them is a bad idea.  "Shiemi they are bad news. Would you still like them if they burned down your garden?" Bon asked holding back his anger. Shiemi put the cups on a tray and stood up. "If they really wanted to hurt me they would've done it by now. If you knew who they really are instead of stereotyping them for what kind they are then you are the one who needs to reconsider things. Now excuse me while I go try to show two sweet boys what it's like to have people care about them for who they are." She smiled and walked towards the twins.

The exwires just sat back and watched shiemi talking to them. At first the twins looked bored but when shiemi kept talking their glares softened. Especially when shiemi took out a couple flowers. Bon sighed when he saw that the flower didn't burn up in the twins hand and left.

After a few hours as the Bon and Shima were looking for Shiro they saw Rin running around with white butterflies covering him as he lead a trail of blue fire. "They're tickling me! They keep giving me butterfly kisses get them off!" Shiemi was following him with a fire extinguisher. "Don't worry Rin the butterflies are just attracted to those with a good heart! Don't be scared! Wait a minute I thought I saw Yukio on the way here." After she got all the butterflies to leave Rin alone Yukio bumped into them. "Rin run! Otaku!" Rin looked at him with fear. "Otaku?!" "Otaku!" Soon both of them ran like Ghenna as a group of goth teenage girls followed them with journals and tears.

Shiro was watching everything from a distance and couldn't help but laugh at the foolish boys.

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