Alone time

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For once since they've arrived on assiah the twins weren't hanging out together. The exwires were able to find Shiro and he already had a plan. "Uh no offense but what does us splitting up to stalk the twins help us right now?" Izumo asked, she already knew he was using this situation as a excuse to get closer the twins. "Just trust me alright? I know what I'm doing. If I get anywhere near Rin he's going to burn down the whole city so it's up to you guys. I got Yukio. Remember, try to make them your friend, if we're able to make them switch to our side we might actually win this whole thing with Satan." Shiro said getting some supplies and leaving. The exwires groaned with the task they were given.

They looked around for a while until they found Rin sitting on the roof. They watched from afar thinking about what they should say. They saw Rin take out some paint cans and a canvas. He was really fast at painting, combining something from Ghenna and the view that was in front of them. When they walked up from behind him they saw a cherry blossom tree acting as the border of two worlds. One where the sun was coming up in a peaceful way. The other side at a shattered moon and stars everywhere, in the middle of it there was a figure with bright white wings.

"Wow that's really cool." Shima said, since it was so sudden it startled Rin making him turn around kicking Shima. "OW WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Shima yelled getting off the floor. "I know your only here to stalk me but please leave me alone and try to get a life." Rin turned back to his painting and lit his arm on fire drying it. The texture the warmth brought against the canvas made it look even better. "Since when did you start painting." Izumo asked while Rin picked up his stuff. "I don't know, leave me alone, and stop stalking me." Rin snapped making Bon growl. "Just answer the damn question and we'll leave you alone." Rin stopped packing his things and thought about what to say.

"At never get a view like this. I don't have a camera and I don't want one because I can't put the things I want in there. I've learned to get pretty good at painting since I have to draw certain marks for somethings and I guess I have a lot of free time. Now for the love of Satan leave me alone." Rin picked up the painting and jumped off the building, disappearing into the shadows. Shima sighed and said "I hope Shiro and shiemi are having better luck than us."

Shiro and shiemi were watching Yukio as he read things from a spell book. He sat down by a dead animal looking at the book. "Heiwa o motarashimasu." The corpse in front of him turned into light and disappeared with the wind. Yukio smiled seeing that he was getting better at this whole magic thing. "Wow that was so pretty!" Shiemi said startling yukio. He turned around to punch her but stopped his fist in front of her face. "Oh great you guys are stalking me again. Let me guess the other ones you call friends are stalking Rin?" Shiemi smiled and asked "how did you know!" Yukio groaned at the "idiot" in front of him and tried walking away.

"Do you know if there is anything I can do to make it up to you? Or maybe rin?" Shiro asked hoping there would be an answer. Yukio took out his wings after putting away the book. "For starters you can leave me and Rin alone. We never needed you. If you really want us to be happy you will give Rin the satisfaction of splitting your skull." Yukio flew away going to off to meet Rin while Shiro and shiemi stood there in horror.

"Hey man you get what I need?" Yukio asked Rin once the met up. Rin showed him all the wallets he stole including shiro's and he exiwires. "No not that the other thing." Rin thought for a second and smirked bringing out shiro's keys. "Thanks for distracting him. What did he say?" Rin asked putting away the keys, Yukio smirked thinking of what he did. "When he tried to see if we can join his side against father I told him just give us the satisfaction of splitting your skull then maybe we'll consider it." Rin laughed at what he said. "You know me so well. Man does it feel good to be the bad guys."

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