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The exwires were going on a field trip. It was their reward for working so hard. They hiked around for a hour before starting to set up. The supervisors of the little trip is Shiro and shura.
"Now that we are all set up time for your little mission. There are two lanterns in the forest, whoever gets them and brings them here will be allowed to go on missions" shura said while opening a can of beer. Then there was a little shake in the ground. "What was that? Was that a earthquake?" Shima asked gripping onto his staff. "No that was something else. At least the barrier is up" Shiro said. The trees were ruffling together, soon everyone saw Rin and amaimon fighting. Yukio was following laughing, soon Rin used his blue flames on amaimon making him loose the fight. "Argh! F*ck! Amaimon I had 5$ put in that bet!" Yukio says as he handed the money to Rin. "No fair! We said hand combat no demon powers" amaimon said while rubbing his head. "And that's why I used witch powers. Notice how the flames didn't make you explode?" Rin said with a grin. Amaimon's phone rang, a signal that he needs to go to Mephisto so he left.
"You idiots! You could've hurt the students!" Shura yelled pulling both the twins in the circle. "But we didn't so f*ck off!" Yukio said wiping the dirt off his jacket. Shura growled which made Yukio say "bite me b*tch." To break up the tension between them Shiro said " okay that's enough. I have a few activities for the twins to do. Exwires go ahead and start your mission." He went over to the twins and pulled them aside and started talking. They say the twins nod then run off.
{night time}
Everyone was gathered by the campfire exhausted. "When are the little monsters coming back?" Bon asked and Shiro glared at him. "Why do you think there monsters?" Shiro asked and Bon said "are you kidding me teach? They are literally the spawns of Satan they killed a bunch of people and think in such crazy ways." "So you think they are monsters because they were born different? Since they were raised different and think different they must be monsters." "I'm not saying it's because of that I'm saying it's because they are related to Satan!" "It's not like they wanted to be like that! They didnt ask a demon king for a father, I'm willing to bet they never felt a drop of love from their parents. Your family died on the blue night, yes? They weren't even born yet when it happened." Bon fell silent never even thinking about what made them like that. It really bothered Shiro to see so many people talk that way about his sons. He was starting to act like their mother.
The twins returned at lightning speed panting. "We got what you asked give us our end of the deal" Rin said. Shiro smiled and said "your end of the deal is what you retrieved. All your mothers journals are in it." The twins looked down at the items in their hands and set it down and went over to the campfire. They were actually pretty funny, all the stories they told and all the jokes they made it impossible for everyone to hold back a laugh. Right now everyone has to say everything they like and dislike about demons, except for the twins for them it's with humans. Everyone's thoughts on demons were the same. No one likes the fact that they kill and they like the fact that their hearts can be changed. "One thing I like about humans is that they are really funny and creative. One thing I don't like is that they make a big deal out of everything. Like I get it I'm a demon, the spawn of Satan, a monster. I don't need someone rubbing it in." Yukio said, Rin agreed. " I like the fact that some humans can interact with us but I hate it when...they expect us to apologize for being monsters. Why should I apologize for being a monster if you turned me into one?" Everyone was silent feeling guilt grow in their chest. After a while they started talking again as Rin and Yukio were sleeping. "See? They're not monsters they simply just forgot what pure goodness and love feels like." Shiro said with a smile as the twins laid their head on his shoulders.
Long chapter! I will be busy from today to June 20 so sorry! Still comment tho I love seeing them!

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