Annoying pests

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    The morning was off to a rough start, the twins first impression upon their new classmates has been a dreadful experience. They had a humans curiosity and greed for entertainment, mixed with a demons craving for chaos. There was no doubt that their jokes and ideas would gradually get worse over time.

As the Exwires sat down in class, sporting new hair styles and missing eyebrows, the twins ran in. "That was awesome! People in Assiah are so boring, one stab to the face and they scream and they cry but eventually it stops being funny. I think one them made my ear start ringing for a little while." Rin said laughing a little. "I know right? And their souls tastes bloody, which is cool and all but their flesh is disgusting. You don't know where it's been or if its clean, plus it has those weird spots on it sometimes." Yukio said as he shivered at the thought.

"Go to the headmaster's office now! I have never seen such disrespect in a classroom, who do you two think you are?! Get out of my class room now!!" The teacher yelled, a vein popping out of his forehead. Rin and Yukio shared a look of amusement, Rin's look slowly turned into a grin.

"Did you...just try to tell us what to do? You see that's not good" Yukio said shaking his head, "who do you think you are?" Rin teased. Rin ran towards the teacher so fast he was like a blur. In just seconds, Rin was holding the teachers head with the spine still attached, the Exwires let out screams of terror while some threw up. "Wow, so not only are people in Assiah were weak in combat, but apparently in the stomach as well. Let's get out of here, Yukio, it smells disgusting in here." The head dropped with a heavy splat, it along with the body's contents starting to gush out onto the floors. As they walked out, Yukio jumped onto the body. Not only did it stop twitching, it let out an echoing crack as the bone broke.

The Exwires stood there in a numbing silence, heavily breathing as the blood began to reach them. They immediately ran to out of the room, scattering in different directions. Some to was the blood splatter on their face and their uniform, others to find anyone who could get rid of the body still leaking in their classroom, and the last to Mephisto, maybe an explanation will convince him that the twins presence was too extreme. Mephisto only laughed, "those clever little shits. They found a loop hole in my deal. Class is cancelled for the rest of the day, I have to go over with them." His words didn't provide any comfort nor did it wash away the blood splatter across their cheek.

           "What...the fuck are we gonna do?" Suguro said to his friends. "W-we can't just kill them! We literally can't we're not strong enough, and they can't die based on the weapons we have!" Shima said. "I know! We can go to father Fujimoto! He'll know what to do!" Shiemi said full of joy. Since they had nothing else to do they went looking for him. When they found him they explained what's going on, what the twins have done. Shiro started laughing, not only because of their new appearances.

"So it's true, the spawns of Satan have made their way academy and reaping havoc. They're been here for less than two days and they've already made a quite a bit of trouble, all of which made exorcists, and now students, to come knocking at my door with desperation across their faces. " He smiled to himself, shaking his head slightly. Demons or not, in Shiro's eyes those demonic children were still children. Kids. His kids.

"Alright, I know what to do. Follow me everyone, let's see what we can do about those little pests"

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