Part 1 - Chapter 3

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Over the next few weeks, Angel taught me all about how to be a dark angel, and my first numb shock turned to delight - although what really annoyed me was that Sabriel always seemed to be never far from her side wherever she was.

The only thing that troubled me was a longing to see my family which got stronger and stronger by every day.  Angel had insisted that when I became what I am I would no longer be able to see them, because they were humans and I could no longer interact with them.  But the day came when the longing just got too strong and I just had to.

I summoned my dark wings and flew out of my room from the top of the bell tower (this was where Angel’s hide out was).  As I flew down the road and landed at my house in the dawn light a surge of pride charged through me as I had been able to get away and now I could see my parents… but there was something wrong.  As I entered the house it was unusually quiet for a Friday morning, when normally everybody would be up really early getting my younger sister Natasha ready for school.  I expected the noise of my father calling to my mum from the kitchen to get out of bed, and my mum calling to Natasha to get out the shower because she’d probably have been in for about half an hour.  I surge of love and warmth ran through me just thinking about it. 

But as I walked in the door, there was nothing but stony silence.  I went through into the living room and saw the scene which is burned into my brain forever – Sabriel turning with a blood stained dagger in her hand as Natasha’s limp body fell to the ground, her school uniform soaked with blood which mingled with that of my parent’s bodies.

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