Part 1 - Chapter 4

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With a shattering scream which felt like it tore me apart, and probably woke the hell hounds from another dimension, I launched myself at Sabriel.

But she was too quick, and summoning her dark wings she flew out of the window and up towards the bell tower and I followed with all the rage of the hell dimension screaming through my bones and into my shattered heart.  

At the top of the bell tower she turned in the air, her face full of malevolent glee, and landed with evil grace on the bell’s platform.  I screamed in through the window and knocked her from her feet, as powered by sheer grief I ripped her left wing from its socket with the force of my dive.  But she had a knife and I did not.

I didn’t stand a chance.  Before I knew it I was cornered at the edge of the platform with Sabriel towering above me – and with no weapons and no wings.  I hardly felt the bleeding sockets on my back where she had ripped my wings from their rightful place. My beautiful wings lay shattered and torn apart on the other side of the platform like a broken bird attacked by a cat.  My view of Sabriel was shattered too by the tears streaming from my eyes.

“Ivy, I’ve always despised you,” she gloated.  “You were always in Angel’s mind even when she was with me and now once you are dead, Angel will love me again.  But I will overpower her, killing her and taking her place as the rightful Queen of Darkness.”

With my final breath I struggled to say, “You will never overpower Angel.  She is more powerful than you could ever imagine and if you attack her you will die.”  But the words would not come.  With a final stroke of her dagger she struck me through the heart – and I fell from the bell tower.

The pain. 

The hurt. 

The anger. 

The screams.

The death. 

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