Chapter 12

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She's released from hospital with Leigh the next day, careful on her feet as the little girl hops along on her crutches, itching to get out of the hospital. Cheryl's arm is steady around her waist, her concussion still making her a little lightheaded, the flashes of the paparazzi's cameras not as sharp with the Geordie's sunglasses covering her eyes.

Cheryl had told her about her fainting, hitting her head on the hardwood floor, but Kimberley can't recall any of it, the last flashes of memory involving Leigh's mud cake and nothing else. She has the sneaking suspicion that there's more to it than that, but her headache's still with her, and she doesn't feel like prodding Cheryl for any further information.

She can't anyway, because the Geordie's phone is ringing, Sarah's voice clear in 'The Promise'. Kimberley smiles, lifting an arm to wrap around Leigh's shoulder, double checking the little girl's secured her seat belt. Leigh rolls her eyes, but leans in anyway.

“We were supposed to be postponing it...I know that, but the doctor gave me strict instructions to get her into bed...what are you laughing at?”

Kimberley realises Sarah's laughing at what Cheryl's just said, the double meaning of it, unable to stop from laughing herself. The Geordie quickly looks at her like she's insane.

“What's so funny Kimmy?” Leigh asks.

“Nothing sweetie.”

“No, you know what she's like. She'll want to run around the kitchen like the mother hen that she is,” Cheryl gives Kimberley the evil eye, “And I'm gonna end up killing her as a result.”

“Just don't get blood on the upholstery.” The driver offers Kimberley a momentary smile in the rear-view mirror.

“Alright, I can't do anything about it now. She's going straight upstairs though, and if you want to see her...”

“Is Aunty Sarah at our house?”

“ up for a visitor kiddo?” Kimberley pokes Leigh's arm.

“Is Emmy with her?”

Kimberley nods. Along with a hundred other people, yeah.

“Yeah, like I'm gonna get her to take it easy, with her friends there...okay, okay...we'll be fifteen minutes...okay, bye.”

Cheryl flips her phone closed, turning to Kimberley and Leigh with authority.

“Yes Mum.” They both say in unison, Leigh giggling and Kimberley following suit.


They're barely up the driveway when the front door opens, a sea of people flooding out to welcome them home. Her mum's one of the first to hug her, squeezing her tightly, Adam, Sal, Amy and her Dad milling around with Cheryl's family and the girls. She watches Leigh make a beeline for her own friends, bits of glitter floating from her pink crutches, catching Kimberley's attention.

“What have they doped you up on, you pillock?” Sarah states, arms wrapping around her.

“Why? You want some?” Kimberley retorts.

“Hey, can I get in on that?” Nadine asks, arms sliding around Kimberley from behind.

“Wait, where's little Nic and Chezza?”

“I'm here.” Nicola says, kissing Kimberley on the cheek over Sarah's shoulder, arms slipping around the blonde's frame.

“Where's Chezzy bear?”

Kimberley spots her being embraced by Joan and her own brothers and sister, one eye on Leigh. “Lets leave her a minute, hey?”

“Speaking of Chez, I think I might've put my foot in it over the phone.” Sarah says to Kimberley, worry in her eyes.

“What else is new?” Nadine jokes.

Nic joins in. “Yeah. Happens all the time, doesn't it?”

Kimberley rolls her eyes at Sarah, the blonde chuckling. “Don't worry. She didn't catch on.”

“Well, that makes one of us.” Nadine says, Kimberley watching Nic nod her head in agreement.

“Hang on,” Kimberley says, looking at Sarah, “You told them?”

“We guessed.” Nicola says, matter-of-factly, like it doesn't bother her.

“Long before Blondie here found out, that's for sure.” Nadine pulls a face at Sarah.


“So, you guys--” Kimberley starts.

“Don't care. I mean, we care, of course,'s you and Cheryl.”

Nadine nods. “It's not surprising at all. Kinda boring.”

“ reading the same newspaper over and over again.”

“Oh...I didn't know you read.”

The four of them startle out of the hug at Cheryl's voice, Kimberley smirking while Sarah sticks her tongue out at the Geordie.

“When did I become the butt of everyone's jokes?”

Kimberley, Cheryl, Nadine and Nic look around at each other, Kimberley sending a small smile Cheryl's way. She tunes out while the girls bait each other, content to watch Cheryl slip a hand into hers, a movement that's as old as their friendship, but somehow new and wonderful at the same time.

She's holding it as they follow their family through the front door, Kimberley looking up to see the sign hanging from upstairs, Cheryl squeezing her hand in recognition. A roll of paper's been attached to the bottom of the sign, her nickname clear and distinguishable, 'welcome home Leigh' now 'welcome home Leigh and Kimba'. The Geordie's about to push her upstairs, up into bed, her head happy to do this to please her friend, or whatever Cheryl was to her now, but her heart feels like it's about to burst with happiness, with the realisation that she's actually, really, and finally home.

She's going to be in all those photos with the girls, with her brother and sisters and all her little nieces and nephews, with Leigh and Cheryl. In a week's time there's going to be another cake sitting in the fridge, ready to be cut and dished out for her and Leigh's birthday, Kimberley absolutely certain that the same people around her now are going to be there as well, offering their love and best wishes.

Most importantly, she knows Cheryl's going to be standing there beside her, offering her a loving smile, like the one that's dazzling her beautiful features this very moment. She's the most wondrous and exquisite being Kimberley's ever seen, and for a moment she steps back in time, erases sixteen years from her memory, sees the Geordie opening that door to her, surprise and happiness written all over her friends face at the fact that they were together again.


She snaps back to the present, forgetting the past in an instant.

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