Chapter 14

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A few hours after Nadine had helped her dye her hair back to something akin to her natural hair colour, Kimberley had called Hillary, the older woman's voice warm and welcoming over the phone. She'd agreed to manage Kimberley, was now in the process of organising the selling of the place in Headingley, fully furnished, Kimberley traveling back with her Dad to pick up the remainder of her things. She'd spent less than half an hour grabbing her clothes, slipping on familiar scuffed work boots, fitting all her old jeans and work shirts into her dusty old backpack, where they belonged. What she'd bought since returning home had squeezed into the one suitcase her dad had brought with him, heels and dresses forgotten as she'd remembered the boxes underneath her bed.

Her father had found her sitting on the floor of her bedroom, tears falling, looking at a photo of Justin and her, one of many she'd received in the mail from his parents, no accompanying note to explain how they'd come to be in possession of them. Her father had pulled her into his arms, had suggested it might do her some good to visit his grave while she was a little closer to London, while she was spending time in Allerton. They'd driven down the next day, Kimberley's hand safe on her father's arm as they'd walked to Justin's resting place, her mind picturing a long forgotten wedding day, the way she knew Justin would've been grinning like a clown, the way she would've been crying and smiling and ready to let her father give her away. She'd sat next to his grave for a long time, listening to wind blow, whispering an apology and asking for his forgiveness. She'd told him everything, the way she should've done ten years ago, how Cheryl had always been in her heart, how the Geordie had crept a little further in than he had, how she'd loved him, even though she'd loved Cheryl just that little bit more. It was a different kind of love, one she'd run away from, one she'd only just learned to live with and openly return.

“What you got there babe?” Cheryl asks, Kimberley turning to see the Geordie stepping around the bed and sitting down beside her.

Kimberley looks down at the photo of her and Justin, smiling as she caresses his face.

“Just old you mind if I hang some of these up downstairs?”

“Go ahead hon. He deserves to be remembered...leave it for tomorrow though.”

Kimberley smiles, nodding. “Leigh asleep?”

“Yep. Just you and me.”

“And the bed.”

Cheryl grins, offering her hand. “We're doing this right Kimberley Jane Walsh. And by right, I mean in my bed, not the guest room.”

“Well, I've waited nearly eleven years for this, what's another minute?”


She knows every expanse of Cheryl's skin, remembers the freckles, recalls the small dimples, has memorized the body beneath her, has dreamt of it and of doing this again, of lying with Cheryl and making love to her one more time. Unlike that night all those years ago, there's a certainty that they'll be here again, sweaty and straining for contact, Cheryl's soft whispers and deep moans mixing with her own, trembling fingers brushing over skin, across nipples, over the length of her back. She'll be here again where she belongs, reaching for Cheryl's soul, deep inside of her, bringing the Geordie closer, as close as possible, her name on the younger woman's lips, on shared breathless kisses.

They'll be here again, tears falling down cheeks as they fall over the edge together, holding on to each other as their bodies settle, as she still lingers inside of Cheryl, drawing the moment out a little longer.

They'll be here again, Cheryl sliding gentle fingers over the black cat engraved in the middle of Kimberley's chest, both of them aware of who the animal represented. They'll smile at one another as the Geordie etches over words Kimberley knows by heart, has read backwards in the mirror every morning for nearly eleven years.

In Aeternum.

She'd lost ten years, but she'd gained an eternity.


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