Chapter 13

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Sometime later, she wakes up in a sweat, remembering the past, recalling Cheryl's paintings in blinding clarity. She's barely down the stairs before Cheryl's calling after her, Kimberley aware that her remaining friends and family are watching her rush towards the Geordie's studio, tears rolling down her face. She's about to open the door when Cheryl's hand slides over hers, concern and understanding deep in her brown eyes.

“Kim, they don't matter--”

“Yes they do. They're the mess I made.”

“No...they're the mess I had to make, so I could get better. Look, let me show you something else.”

Cheryl turns the handle and ushers her through the door, locking it quickly before walking over to the covered easel. Kimberley remembers the throw over from the afternoon before, hiding whatever new painting Cheryl was working on, barely there now as the younger woman flips it away.

Her own face is staring back at her, her smile as bright as her eyes, before the brush strokes of Cheryl's eye lashes catch her attention. She's suddenly laughing and crying at the same time, memorizing, remembering, feeling Cheryl's forehead against her temple, light brown hair tickling her cheek, the way the Geordie's green, black and white silk dress reflected the light at certain angles. Approaching the artwork, Kimberley can see the tiny strokes of colour, the green and yellow flecks in her own eyes, the shades of red in the chocolate brown of Cheryl's. Her manicured fingernails are bright and shiny against the tanned creams of Cheryl's arm, the ghost of a touch making her fingers tingle.

There's so many colours, curves, paint strokes, intricate little details to marvel at that she jumps when arms wrap around her waist, stilling momentarily until she relaxes, once again continuing their journey as a chin comes to rest over her shoulder.

“Not too shabby, hey?”

“It's perfect,” Kimberley says without hesitation, turning her head and catching Cheryl's quick smile.

“It was a perfect moment.”

They stand admiring it in silence for a long time, the sounds of music and chatter soft in the background, hardly making it to Kimberley's ears with Cheryl's breath so close.

“Are we going to have any more of them?” Cheryl whispers, voice thin, the uncertainty catching Kimberley off guard.

Walking through Cheryl's front door and seeing that banner had settled the world for Kimberley. She knew she was going to be here from now on, had found a home for herself after leaving it behind ten years ago. The problem seemed to be that Cheryl didn't know where they stood, hadn't realised what Kimberley had realised a few hours ago.

Kimberley slides around in Cheryl's arms, drawing her own hands around the Geordie's back, pulling the smaller woman against her, looking her directly in the eye.

“Of course...if you'll still have me, that is. You'll have to decide quickly though, cos I found a grey hair this morning.”

She watches Cheryl slowly smile, slowly comprehend the finality of the situation, of the words she's said, of the joke she's attempted to lighten the mood with. She can see the relief washing over the Geordie's face, the subtle settling of emotions, the way her own heart calms down and quickens all at once just with that beautiful smile.

“I'll have you.” Cheryl states, eyes bright.

“Grey hairs and bitter tea included?”

Cheryl laughs out loud as she nods, the motion rumbling across Kimberley's chest, the older woman chuckling along. Laughter fades eventually, leaving Cheryl looking into Kimberley's eyes, contentment and happiness shared between the two of them. Kimberley brings her head forward and down to rest on Cheryl's, closing her eyes, knowing there's one more thing that needs to be said, one thing left to offer to her friend, to her soul mate.

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