Chapter 15: It's London!

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The fresh air hit us as we walked down the metal stairs. The sky was black and the beautiful crescent moon shone brightly. I stepped on the hard ground, following Ms. Trall into the airport.

Hours later, Matt, Kayla, Tom and I were relaxing in the hotel with our luggage in the corner of the room. Luckily, we got to choose our roommates, and there were two beds in each room, so I roomed with Kayla.

After an hour of chatting, texting and laughing, Ms. Trall knocked on our door. I opened it and beside her was someone familiar...

"Sam!" She pulled me into a giant hug.

"Jasmine!" I returned the hug, recognising her as my cousin, Jasmine. I pulled away to look at her closer. "Wow, haven't you grown!"

I booped her nose and chuckled. The last time I saw her was, like, when we were eleven. I was older than her by a couple of months.

"Oh my god, your hair! It looks nice short." And she smiled pleasantly.

"Thanks," I said, "I missed you, Jas."

"I missed you too," She pulled me into a tight hug.

Ms Trall left and Jasmine came into the room properly.

She whispered something into my ear.

"Who's the cute guy across the hall?" She whispered.

"I don't know, describe him." I responded.

"Urm, blue eyes, tan skin, muscular, blonde, basically hot." She giggled.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt but it's Ryan who's room is across the hall," Kayla told us.

Jasmine grinned, "Thank you,"

"Fine then, give it a try." She smiled.

After an hour of Tom, Matt and Kayla getting to know Jasmine, someone knocked on our door. Jasmine offered that she'll get it, so went to open it. As soon as she saw him, her eyes widened. In a white top and knee length shorts, he was resting his arm on the doorframe. Obviously, he was trying to show off his muscles.

"Have you got any spare-" Ryan began, then looked at Jasmine, "Wow."


"Wow." I mumbled out loud. This girl was standing there, with beautiful, green eyes and hair naturally curly and to her shoulders.

"Well hello. What's your name?" I smiled at her.

"Jasmine. And I believe that you are...Ryan, is it?" She replied. We exchanged some small talk, while the rest of the people in the room sat awkwardly.

"So... are you free this Wednesday?" I asked her.

"Urm," She acted cool and as if she didn't care, but I could tell she was excited. "I just might make enough space in between for it."

"Okay, how about seven? Meet you at the restaurant downstairs later, babe." She gazed at me and I smirked. Looking over at Sam, I saw she rolled her eyes. When I used to call Sam babe, she absolutely hated it.

I turned around and went to my room, after exchanging numbers. I chilled on my bed, relaxing. Ms. Trall knocked on our door, so my roommate, Dylan went to open it.

"Hello boys!" She waved at us.

"Hello..." We mumbled back.

"Okay, you both need a copy of this schedule," She handed two laminated pieces of paper to Dylan. "To know what we're doing, when we're doing it and how we're doing it. Okay then, I'd better get going now." She went away and shut the door on her way out.

Dylan put the papers on the table and we read it.

Ooh, this seemed cool. Well, not the boring museums, but the beach and theme park. We were also going to the London Eye. I've heard about the London Eye. Anyway, it was perfect that mine and Jasmine's date was on Wednesday, since there was a load of free time. Must be a miracle, actually. Nah, I'm just kidding. Yesterday, Ms Trall told us that Wednesday was a day full of lots of free time.


I woke up and looked at the time. Eight in the morning. According to the schedule we received yesterday, we were going to the British Museum today. Ugh, I definitely did not like museums. They're so boring, but, I was looking forward to the beach and theme park on another day.

So, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. There was egg, toast, bacon, sausages and orange juice. I ate it all and then went back upstairs. I went shopping with Kayla during the free time. I bought a bracelet and a necklace with the union jack on it, and so did she.

After that, we ate lunch, which was spaghetti bolognese. It was simply yum. Half an hour later, I got into the coach. I sat next to Matt and Kayla sat beside Tom.

After a boring coach ride, we arrived at the British Museum. We looked at mummies, the Great Fire of London and all sorts. I think I dozed off for a bit, you know. Anyway, we went back into the coach and this time, I sat next to Kayla.

We arrived at the hotel and had dinner. There was soup with prawns and shrimps in it. Wow, if I had known British food was so tasty, I'd have moved here years ago. After that, I went to sleep, thinking of what to do tomorrow during the free time.

The next day, I just ended up shopping with Kayla and eating out with Tom, Kayla and Matt. Like usual, the food was amazing. After that, we all went to the cinema and watched the latest action blockbuster. It was...alright, I guess. The day flew past, and I went to sleep pretty quickly.

Tomorrow we were going on the London Eye and to Hyde Park. Fun, I think.

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