Chapter 16: It's, uh, Still London

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Yay! Mine and Ryan's date went...PERFECT! He's so interesting, attractive, fun, attractive. I just said attractive twice, didn't I? Well, he is mega hot. Anyway, this is how our date went...


He led me into the resturant like a gentlemen and pulled out my seat for me. I grinned and sat down. Wow, was he seriously that perfect?! His blonde hair stood up in a quiff and his blue eyes looked deep and beautiful.

And that's when I realised I was gawking at him. How embarrassing. Anyway, after looking at the menu for a while, I ended up getting spaghetti and meatballs, which was delicious.

"So, Jasmine," He smirked at me. "You're looking beautiful today." I blushed and smiled at him.

"Thanks. You look very handsome too." I told him as he smiled and ate another piece of his steak. We started talking about where we come from, hobbies, likes and dislikes. From there, it just went uphill. Laughing, joking around; the night couldn't have been better.

We went back to my house, where he dropped me off, then he went back to the hotel. I phoned Sam and told her every single detail of what happened.


I yawned and rolled over to the right, stretching my arms. Ouch. I fell onto the hotel room floor. Fortunately, it was carpet, and not wood. Matt got up, smiled, then helped me up. I narrowed my eyes at him, then smiled.

We brushed our teeth, then went downstairs for breakfast. After eating it all, I walked to my room and we all got ready, then went into the coach.

We were on our way to the London Eye, and Matt and I sat together. After a while, we arrived and waited in line. We were going in groups of four, which was perfect. We eventually got to the front of the line and climbed into our pod. Oh gosh, I was not a fan of heights.

I gulped as the pod moved upwards and the people beside us got into their one. My eyes travelled around the pod, nervously, as we got higher and higher. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I sat down beside Matt and he gently laced our hands together. Softly, I gave him a smile and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Sam! Sam! SAM!" I heard Kayla yell. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms. "Wake up, we need to go." Slowly, I got up and, holding Matt's hand, stepped out the pod. Then, we went to this posh restaurant for lunch. I had fried rice, chicken and bits of egg, with a cocktail drink.

After that, we went to Hyde Park and Jasmine met up with us there. We took pictures together, ran around and bumped into a couple. She was very pretty and he was very handsome. They were holding hands and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!" She apologized, with her amazing British accent. "That was an accident. I'm Lola, by the way. And this, here, is Dan, my boyfriend." She pointed to her boyfriend, Dan and shook my hand.

"Oh, hello!" I smiled and pointed towards each one of my friends. "I'm Sam, nice to meet you! This is my boyfriend, Matt, and my friend, Kayla, with her boyfriend, Tom. Also, my cousin, Jasmine with Ryan."

We chatted, got to know each other and made plenty of jokes. It turns out that Lola and Jasmine knew each other: they were classmates in middle school or whatever they call it in England. We all got along really well, and had fun until we had to go. I waved at them through the coach window, as the driver drove to the hotel.

We arrived and I jumped into my pyjamas and headed straight to bed. I closed my eyes, placing my hand under my head. I took a deep breath as I fell into a deep, nice sleep.

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