Chapter 20: Back to School

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The annoying, irritating noise of an alarm interrupted my precious sleep. Anyway, I jumped out of bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Sigh. I was never really that good at school. Average, I'd say. I washed up in the bathroom and brushed a comb through my hair.

So, I got dressed and walked down the stairs and all the way to the other side of the building. By the time I had gotten there, my feet were sore and I was only half-awake. Arriving at the office, I registered myself as I headed to my English lesson.

"Hello, there." A voice greeted, whilst I walked into the room. It wasn't the teacher. The teacher wasn't even in the room. I turned around and found a boy, acne-ridden, staring at me.

"Erm, hi." I raised an eyebrow.

I felt a tap on the back. I spun around and saw a tall tanned guy with hazel eyes. Yes, he was new but not to me since my entire past has just so happened to move to my school.

"Sam?! Remember me?" He gasped. He was Hazel's twin brother. I really should've seen that coming.

"Logan! I can't believe you and your sister are here. So, what did you wanna say at first?"

"I wanted to ask if, er, you can move a little 'cause you're blocking the seat I wanted," He told me. "But it's okay, you can stay there."

"No, you can sit here." I moved over to the first row, second column, beside Kayla.

"Thanks!" Logan called from behind. I smiled and gave him a nod. Kayla was busy chatting to a cheerleader, so I just tapped her shoulder. She spun around and frowned when she saw me. I guess she's not completely sorry.

"Mind if I sit there?" I asked her, with a hopeful smile on my face.

"Actually, Nadia was about to sit there." A brunette took the seat I wanted, so I looked for Matt but he wasn't in this class and neither was Tom. I scanned the room for any other seats. There were only two seats left. One beside acne boy and one beside Logan. I flashed a smile to Logan from across the room and mouthed if I can sit next to him. He smiled back at me and nodded, patting the empty seat.

I sat beside him and waited for our teacher, Mr King. The door swung open and I expected it to be Mr King, but it was a girl. She walked through the door. Hazel. She smiled that obnoxious fake smile of hers. I sighed and remembered that I was sitting beside my enemy's brother.

She glared at me evily and waved at her brother. Hazel strutted over to us and looked at me as if I was a stray llama sitting on a chair.

"How come you're there?" She smiled but scoffed. "I wanted to sit there, no offence."

"And I don't care, so go sit," I gave a chuckle. "Beside that boy over there." I pointed at the spotty kid and grinned. The boy's eyes lit up and he signalled to Hazel that she could sit beside him.

Mr King walked in and trotted to the front of the class.

"Blondie, take that free seat." He instructed, sternly. Hazel growled at me, before stamping over to the boy's desk. I flashed a smile. She deserved that, after ruining my relationship and friendship. Mr King blabbered on about Shakespeare and boring stuff like that for about an hour, and luckily we had no proper work. Finally, the godforsaken class was over.

Math was next and I got to sit beside Matt.

"There's this stargazing club at eight," Matt whispered to me.

"I didn't know you liked stargazing," I scoffed.

"Well, my teacher told us about it in the first class," Matt smiled at me, "And I thought it'd be pretty romantic."

He winked pathetically at me.

"Well, okay then." I winked back and laughed.

The professer cleared his throat and said, "Sam."

I exchanged glances with Matt and mumbled, "Sorry Sir."


I cut up my chicken as we told Kayla and Tom about the stargazing.

"Um, I don't know about you, Kayla, but that's really not my thing," Tom told us, drinking a can of soda.

"Honestly, I think if I come along it'd be really third-wheely, so I'm going to let you lovebirds go together," Kayla giggled. "And also, I have a bunch of homework, you know."

"Uh, we didn't get any homework, it's only the first day." Tom reminded her, with a confused look on his face.

"Be quiet. I'm trying to not get in their way," Kayla muttered to Tom under her breath, with a huge smile plastered across her face.

I noticed Hazel with a bunch of her friends (including Dylan and Logan) and she was scowling at me but I really was not bothered.

Because for the first time in quite a while, I was truly happy.

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